Friday, March 31, 2017

Stover Creek to Gooch Mountain

   I got a bit of a late start to the day of hiking wanting to wait for a number of the people i hiked with yesterday. The shelter was nice. I did see some old mouse droppings in the corner but i didn't experience any sign of rodents during the night.
   It was a long day and i eventually fell into a slow and steady pace which i found helpful for keeping the pain down. I developed a rash on the tops of my hands, the same one that i got the last two trips i went on to Isle Royale. I'm wondering if it could be from the hand sanitizer. Things all over my body keep rotating with pain. The one that stood out the most was my hip. I found that doing a light stretch here and there along the trail really kept me going. I also got a sunburn and my big toe nails are a bit... loose. I may be on the road to loosing them sadly. Something i really hoped would not happen. I think my shoes  (which i bought a full size larger than normal) are still too small.
   It was a 13 mile day and a lot easier of one than it was yesterday. Still quite challenging but i made it through. I find myself leapfroging, or taking turns passing over and over, with many of the people i meet along the trail. It seems most people are experiencing the same thing.
   Early on in the day we passed Long Creek Falls, it was a side trail off the AT which i decided to check out. It was worth it. I've never seen falls like that before.

   I've found myself hiking with Jake for most of the first half of today's miles then by myself for the second half, running into many others along the way of coarse but i ended up wanting to go slower for the sake of my feet.
   The scenery was a combination of everything I've seen yesterday. I did however see 3 trees with pink blossoms, possibly cherry trees? I did experience bugs including flies and 1 tick on my pack which i just brushed off.
Gooch Mountain shelter is absolutely crowded. Stover Creek was too but nothing compared to this. The 14 person shelter was full and there are 20+ tents and hammocks surrounding it. This shelter is officially only designed to house 4 tents in the surrounding area. It's like tent city in such close confinements. I was not expecting this. The only place i could squeeze in was on an incline and i just had just enough room. Everytime i lay on my mat or in my bag i just start sliding right down to the end of my tent. I'm worried about that tonight.
  There's a serve weather warning out for this evening, crazy thunderstorms all night. I've never slept in this tent before, not very good timing to test waterproofness. I'm worried about the incline with water getting in and me being scrunched down at the bottom.

Tonight at Gooch Mountain Shelter I'm at mile 15.8.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your feet and toe problems. Looks like you have beautiful spring scenery.
