Tuesday, May 2, 2017

100% Humidity

It rained all night long. The woman sleeping next to me in the shelter snored all night long. I packed up and left for the trail even though it was raining. I figured that I'd just keep on going to keep my body temperature up. My goal is to go 3 shelters dowm making today a 19.5 mile day. I twisted my ancle right off the bat but it slowly felt better over the next few miles. The first shelter, 7 miles up the way,  is a half mile off the trail. I didn't feel like adding an extra mile to my days travels. I stopped at the next one for some lunch and to dry off a bit. The rain stopped for the most part but the fog is just so thick. The guide book says that this 20 mile stretch is suppose to be full of great views, it's just one after the next. I can tell where the view is meant to be but it's all just a heavy white fog. This is meant to be the most pretty section of the Great Smokey Mountains  but I'm missing it. I passed the Charlie's Bungion loop trail which I was looking forward to see but I skipped it because there wouldn't be any view. It's just been crazy moist today, like walking in a cloud. Everything is just wet.

Towards the end of my hike the weather couldn't make up it's mind, it kept rotating between rain, sun, clouds, and fog. I was trying to rush to get to the shelter because it started thundering out but by the time I got there there was a giant vibrant rainbow! This campsite is just packed. I must have ran into a bubble or something. I was told the shelter was full and that it's been full all day. I went in anyways and there was a space behind a beam next to Black Bear and Short Cake, it was great seeing them again. The Captain, and another woman who i keep forgetting her name are here as well along with tons of people that I just don't recognize. Later I saw that the top level could definitely fit at least 2 more people. That's really low to tell people that the shelter is full when it's not. I'm glad I was able to get a space because I just feel awful.

The new insoles were amazing... for my left foot, just what I needed. My right foot was rubbed raw and I have blisters on the bottom of my foot and my heel! I didn't even know that I could get blisters there. I feel just so worn out and sore, it's rediculous.

I'd really like to move on ahead of this crowd. I think a good handful of these people are section hikers so they probably won't be around much longer. I'd really like to catch up to The Jersey Boys, Jole, and others that I was hiking with earlier on. I'll be leaving the smokies tomorrow so that means that "stealth" camping will be allowed again and I won't be required to stay only at shelter sites. That will spread out this crowd quite a bit.

No pictures today. I had to keep my phone packed away to protect it from the rain.

Tonight I'm camped at cosby Knob Shelter which is mile 229.6 with 1960.2 left to go.

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