Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Mile 1,000, June 23rd

It rained all night. I'm really happy with the fact that I never got any splash back or condensation in my tent. It makes me want to stay here and keep sleeping though. I think the tape is actually working to help my toe. The tape was a few millimeters away from my nail this morning meaning that it pulled the skin back away from my nail tip. I replaced it with fresh tape to continue the process. All of my clothing from yesterday are still wet with sweat. It's disgusting.

I managed to get a fly in my eye. They seem so determined to get in my eyes, always swarming just my face, nowhere else. It drives me crazy! One flew right in causing me to blink, causing it to be crushed by my eyelids. Then I couldn't get the thing out! It took a few hours of blinking for it to finally work out to the corner of my eye.

I found some blueberries. 

Today was another disgusting hot and sweaty day. I took so many more breaks than I wanted to just to cool off from the heat. It really takes a lot out of you too.

Dying from the heat.

Uncle Puck, Dirty Duck, and I were hiking together for most of the day. We found a water source and were pouring water on ourselves to cool off. A woman with a large german shepherd hikes in and the dog quickly goes to lay in the water. My dog would do the same. Then out of nowhere the dog bolts off back down the trail. I look over and it was chasing off a bear. I can't believe how close that bear got to us and we never noticed! Catfish and Still Hank were just coming down the trail when it happened so they got a much better view of the action.

I entered the roller coaster today. It is a steep and tight series of hills and go one after the other. There was even a sign about it.

Today I also crossed the 1,000 mile maker. I've officially hiked 1,000 miles! Today also marks me being on the trail exactly 3 months.

From left to right: Still Hank, Uncle Puck, Dirty Duck, Mishap (me), and Catfish.

It was such a slow day that I took too long getting to Bears Den Hostel. I kept stopping when everyone else did when I really should have just hiked on since everyone else ditched the plan and camped earlier. I stuck with the plan since I didn't want to make tomorrow a 23+ mile day. I found myself night hiking into the hostel. I really don't like hiking alone in the dark with my dim headlamp. I came across a few intersections and had a hard time telling which way I was suppose to go so it took even longer. I was rather jumpy in the dark thinking about how close that bear came up to us yesterday. I kept thinking I missed my turn off but I made it at 10:30. It all worked out great and I got my bunk bed. It was so comfortable and I got my desperately needed shower. Despite the temperature drop with the dark I still felt over heated and was dripping with sweat so I took a cold shower.

Tonight at the Bears Denver Hostel I'm at mile 1003.2 with 1186.6 left to go.

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