Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Big Butts, April 26th

Today started with the climb up Big Butts Mountain. I'm not sure why is called that but I got a kick out of the name.

I was thinking of staying at the Rector Laurel Hostel for the night but after getting there that was not going to happen. It was barely a shack that looked like it was just tossed together with plywood. It was extremely disappointing and very sketchy. It looked very red neck deep south horror flick roach motel, you check in,  but you don't check out kind of vibe place. One of the guys sitting around working there had a swastika tattooed on his arm. I did not stick around.

 I was really exhausted wanting to camp soon but I wanted to put some distance between that area and myself so I continued on to the next camp site. I couldn't find the campsite. It wasn't marked or obvious so I ended up hiking way further than planned to the next shelter. I was really shakey and exhausted by the time I got there. I'm just glad I made it before dark. I had heard noises behind me like someone was following me but I had never saw anyone. I felt like I was going crazy! I'm just glad to be with hikers for the night. There were a lot of people camped here.

Tonight at Hogback Ridge Shelter I'm at mile 315.8 with 1874 miles left to go.

1 comment:

  1. I just got through reading all your posts and most definitely look forward to more. You are such a courageous and outgoing young lady. I told Ken you had true grit! I'm proud of all of your achievements and wish you the best of luck for the remainder of your journey. Stay strong *and* healthy! With much love, Ken's mom. :)
