Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mud for Days, April 25th

My ice cream was still melty in the morning after spending all night in the freezer. The freezer was broken. I talked to the office about it and they let me take a new one. I didn't really want to start the day by eating a pint of ice cream but I didn't want to waste it since they had just replaced it so I ate up. The hostel even gave me a ride back to the trail thankfully.

The ice cream ended up being a mistake. I felt pretty sick while hiking and went really slowly. The trail was really intense and rocky with a lot of climbing so it ended up being just a 10 mile day.

The amount of mud all over the trail was just crazy. I just kept slipping and sliding on the downhills.

On the way down from the rocky crest I got got off trail to pee walking a number of steps away not to be seen only to find after I peed that the trail does a long switchback and comes back right next to where I went. I'm so glad that no one stopped by. It would have been so embarrassing!

The shelter was crazy crowded. I'm caught in the bubble of people leaving Hot Springs and the amount of tents set up felt like tent city lined up along the trail. There was surprisingly a spot left in the shelter so I took it. I lost my earplugs and there were some powerful snorers in there

Tonight at Jerry Cabin Shelter I'm at mile 300.3 with 1889.5 left to go.

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