Thursday, November 2, 2017

Back to backpacking, June 20th

We had a relaxing morning and found our way to a café in town. It was so delicious. I ended up getting a cresant breakfast sandwich and an apple cinnamon danish. They were both so delicious. The danish was so well stuffed with such a thin moist crust that it was perfection.

Our hitch hike back to the trail was interesting. A cop had stopped by to say that we had to stay on the sidewalk to hitch hike. A guy gave us a ride and had barbed wire, a lawn mower, and a trimmer in the back. It was a bit uncomfortable but we were glad for the ride.

It was pretty rough getting back on trail in the heat of the day. I just felt pretty worn out and my pack was quite heavy. I guess I was quite spoiled by my mom visiting me and slackpacking me for the week. My shoes are really wearing out. I can feel all of the rocks when hiking. I need to get new shoes in the next town. My back rash is fully gone. I'm so happy about that. I hope it doesn't return but it probably will.

We all met up at a wayside 8 miles in on the trail for a food and snacks. It was the perfect spot for a rest and I got to get more of that amazing blackberry ice cream! My right toenail is starting to hurt. I hope it's not all starting over again

Right now in my tent I feel like I'm going crazy. There are so many noises happening around my tent, so many branches crackling and so much rustling of leaves. I'm quite nervous, there are a ton of bears in the area and warnings all over the place about bears in the area. I really hope nothing happens tonight. I did have a large milipede crawl under my tent while typing this. I wasn't sure what was going on. I had heard stories of mice crawling under tents and chewing their way up to get inside tents for food so I started jabbing at it with a pencil thinking it was a mouse then I looked. I feel kinda bad for the lil guy. I definitely injured him.

Tonight I made it to the Gravel Springs Hut at milt 956.3 with 1233.5 left to go.

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