Wednesday, November 1, 2017

900, June 17th

While coming back from breakfast I got surprised with a watermelon outside our hotel door. It was a gift from Dirty Duck. It was such an odd thing to see sitting out there and cumbersome to try to cut up but my mom made it happen!

Blue ended up only walking 13 miles today. It was just so hot that I let him stay in the car with my mom while I did the rest of my 20 mile day. It's so easy to slackpack the Shenandoahs.

It turns out Max Factor ended up picking up hikers from the same spot that we were calling him from after we had left. Such a bummer. The crew still had a good time in Waynesboro last night though.

My mom and I hiked 1.6 miles together today. She's really starting to get better. I wish I could get her out being active like this more regularly. It's really nice getting to spend time with her. She drove up and met us every so many miles on the trail. The trail magic just kept on coming. We were just giving out all the left overs from yesterday. The rain had made the day short and we didn't get the chance to pass out any more food since everyone was taking shelter.

We found a yellow band snake on the trail. So tiny and cute!

We passed mile 900 today!

While taking a break in a picnic area we found a bear trap top relocate a problem bear to a more remote area of the park.

I finally saw Black Bear and Short Cake! I've just been one step behind them for quite awhile. I think that it's been a month at least. It was brief but they helped us out by getting my mom who was parked at the next parking area to come back to pick us up. The one we planned up meet up at didn't look like a parking area, in fact there was a sign that said "No Parking" even though there was an obvious parking lot in there. It was confusing but it would have been too much to go on to the next one.

My mom and I went back to Waynesboro and ended the day at Kline's again. I got a scoop of homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream in a waffle cone. The rest of the crew stealth camped back near the trail.

Today on the trail I got to mile 913.7 with 1276.1 left to go.

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