Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Luray, June 19th

It was sad saying goodbye to my mom and Blue but we had a great time. I'm really happy that she came out to visit and spend time with me. After we parted ways it didn't take too long to catch up with Dirty Duck, he had slowed down so I could catch up. Scout and Sun just hiked on to get into Luray earlier. It was a short hike and I was slack packing it, having left my pack in Luray so it was easy.

We could see skyline drive from the trail.

We took the short side trail to see Mary's Rock since we were making such good time.

Duck on Mary's Rock

Mishap on Mary's Rock

At the outfitters in town.

Dirty Duck and I decided to go to the Luray Caverns, something we both did with our family's as kids. Scout and Sun decided to take a pass and rest. The tour was a lot of fun. I don't have any memory of visiting this cave so it was like seeing it all over again for the first time.

There were other free museums as part of our ticket in the same area so we walked around and checked them out.

I made a friend

I bought an opossum in the gift shop

Duck and I went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean which was quite disappointing. I also lost my AT necklace which I got at trail days so I was pretty stressed about that. We found it on the sidewalk after the movie thankfully.

Miss Opossum checking out dinner

Tonight on the trail we made it to Luray at mile 942 with 1247.8 left to go.

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