Monday, August 20, 2018

Duncannon, July 9th

I woke up to a chilly and refreshing morning. It's been quite awhile since I would consider the weather to be chilly, it's just been hot and muggy day and night for awhile. I really look forward to hiking today.

We had more farm land to cross then it was back into the woods, the trail not as flat anymore. The last 7 miles of today's hike is when the rocks started. It wasn't too crazy but annoying enough. We've seen plenty of rocks like these along the way so far.

Getting into town felt like a time leap back to a few decades ago or so. It felt like being in some sort of time warp. At least the trail actually went straight through the town for awhile. It's so convenient when it does this

Hobo and I stopped at a gas station while entering town. We got a bunch of snacks and sat on the sidewalk with a number of other hikers eating and watching the cars go by. Real hiker trash there. The next thing on the to do list was laundry. We met up with Uncle Puck and split a load of laundry together.

I'm staying at the Doyle Hotel. It has very strong reviews both good and bad, both ranting and raving about how hiker friendly and hiker unfriendly it is. I decided to try it out since it's something of a tradition to stay there. I got my own room for $25. It's a bit alarming but you truly get what you pay for. Also my first time staying in my own room on the trail. I'd rather be in town rather than at a hotel or hostel a ways away. Hobo and Uncle Puck decided to stay after all. Puck was highly uninterested in staying after reading the reviews so I'm surprised that he did!

The shared bathroom down the hall

It was nice being able to take it easy and relax. I was able to get a chunk of my blogging done too. It's pretty hard keeping up with this blog since I feel like I have hardly any free time out here to do so and hardly enough cell service or wifi to make it happen.

We ended the day by going to get dinner and ice cream. I tried a new flavor that I've never heard of before, Graham Slam, it's a Graham cracker flavored ice cream with graham cracker crumbles, marshmallows, and peanut butter cups. It was amazing and my new favorite flavor. I ran into Anvil again later on. I was really surprised to see him since he had been hiking so much faster than me miles ago and months ago it seems. Him and a handful of other hikers convinced me up go back to that restaurant with them to hang out. It was the only place open in the area, it's a small town. I had a good time. It was nice hanging out with people around my age again.

Tonight in Duncannon I'm at mile 1147.2 with 1042.6 left to go. 

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