Monday, August 20, 2018

Flat as a pancake, July 8th

 After Hobo, Uncle Puck, and I packed up in the camping area outside of town we headed down the trail officially into town. The trail sprawled out on a paved path next to a beautiful lake!

Uncle Puck and Hobo

Our first stop in town was Cafe 101 for breakfast. I really liked the place! Their danishes are shaped in a way that make them so easy to eat with a fork. They just fall apart into bite sized pieces and the filing was generous and delicious.

Next stop, the outfitters store. It was much more geared towards fly fishers and people using the lake behind the store. I did however get a new pair of insoles. I didn't need them that badly but they add better arch support and better protection from the rocks which is ideal.

Stop 3 was the post office. I picked up my resupply box and sent a number of things home including my now rusted and nasty rabbits foot and my opossum. I sent home my ibex clothing since the heat just really wasn't a good combination with them. It was just too hot.

4th stop in town was the gas station! I picked myself up a turkey sandwich, peace tea, and honey cheese curls. Peace tea is hard to find so I was really happy to pick up a can but what I was ecstatic about was the honey cheese curls! There's a restaurant in Pittsburgh called Fernandos. It's basically a sandwich shop and the honey cheese curls are one of their chip options. They are basically honey flavored puffy Cheetos and amazing! I had them there a few times over the years ago and have always checked various stores and gas stations ever since getting them, particularly when traveling and especially now as I've been getting closer to Pennsylvania and I have finally found the first store that I've ever seen in my entire life that carries them! This is such a huge deal to me and a major spirit lifter.

As soon as we got back into the woods the trail then turned into farm land. Unbelievably level and it went on forever. We just flew through the miles for the day. It was flat and pleasant. minus the lack of cover that the trees provide from the sun. It was a rather intensely hot day, but flat!!!!

Hobo and I stopped at this lovely picnic table next to a man made lake with cows and field surrounding us. We used this opportunity to take our shoes off and eat lunch. There was a large tree providing shade over the table and a light breeze. It was a really such a perfect day.

My addiction!

Best trail lunch ever

I had just finished listening to a goosebumps audiobook. I loved how they added an actual sound track to it. I haven't read any of the books since elementary or middle school, I remember them being really good back then but definitely not my age group anymore. It was a bit rough to listen to because of that.

A pleasant board walk
A very old car crash in the woods

Tonight at Darlington Shelter I'm at mile 1135.9 with 1053.9 left to go. 

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