Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Lickdale, July 11th

I got a later start than I wanted to, I'm always trying to get up earlier but it's so hard when the trail is so hard on your body. I was so beat from the day before. The flies were a struggle the whole day today and I ended up wearing my fly net over my head for most of it. The trail was just as rocky as the day before.

I found a couple orange water sources. I didn't drink from them not being sure what would cause them to be orange or if they were safe but they sure were interesting to look at.

Towards the end of the day I hitched a ride into Lickdale, PA to the Loves Travel Stop and Scout was there! It had been over a week since I've seen him. The air conditioning felt amazing. It was such a hot and humid day. I was just drenched. I cooled off and caught up with Scout as I charged my phone and ate Chesters Chicken then ice cream. We spent 2 hours in town before finding a ride back. It hardly took anytime to get a ride for both ways. It sounds like it helped scout out a lot, he had hiked all the way into town. It's not as easy for guys to get a hitch while it's relatively easy for girls to. We hiked until we found a flat space to camp. Uncle Puck was already set up. I'm not sure where Hobo is at but I'm sure he'll turn up tomorrow.

Tonight I'm camped at mile 1183 with 1006.8 left to go. 

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