Sunday, July 16, 2017

Cherry Gap, May 3rd

I don't think that my body digested that pizza very well. It still had the slight scent of pizza after coming out the other end this morning.

I'm getting really seriously tired of the amount of people smoking cigarettes and weed out here. It's everywhere. I've had a few bad asthma reactions from it already. Maybe 90% of the people out here hiking smoke something.

The top layer of nasty skin on my toe became crisp and flakey through the night. I was able to peal it away and there was a wonderful clean, fresh, layer of skin right underneath it. You can also see more of the new nail growing out. It feels super weird to touch it.

My heels are still super itchy and I have no idea why.

Today I'm taking it easy and aiming for 13 miles. I don't want to overdo it and spend so much time in town recovering. It was all uphill today but luckily not as dramatic as some of the major climbs have been in the past.

I came upon some trail magic and got a slice of banana bread, a brownie, and some sweet tea. He was really religious and started asking me questions about the bible because I had asked him what his dogs name was, it was Mosses. That was a can of worms. Next time I won't ask the dogs name.

Halfway through the day the trail came upon a bald called Beauty Spot. It was a rather stale hot day so far but wow was it windy up there and it felt great! The view was also wonderful.

I found a little fairy house in the hollow of a tree

There was a memorial tree decorated with ornaments.

Three miles before the shelter DM caught up with me and we chatted and hiked into the shelter together. The shelter was a 6 person one with mice, we kept seeing them run around the rafters.

The rest of my pizza came out including my last night's dinner of paleo-to-go mountain beef stew. Aparently my body didn't want to digest those carrots because those carrots were like the chocolate chips in chocolate chip cookie dough.

I keep bumping my head on the overhang of the shelter because it's so low. I also tried hanging a bear bag and I broke the branch. It didn't come down but I had to take my stuff down. Then the end of my line got caught. I was trying to work the thing loose without breaking the branch more. It kept cracking but I got it free. Everyone just laughed at me from the shelter. I ended up just hanging my food in the shelter because everyone else was anyways.

Tonight at Chery Gap Shelter I'm at mile 359.8 with 1830 left to go.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Leaving Erwin, May 2nd

Last night my feet were just crazy itchy all night long. I have no idea why but it was driving my crazy. I ended up itching of some of the top layer of skin off with my fingernails.

It was very tempting to join Malibou, Sunshine, Tarzan, and Puddle Jumper for a day trip to Ashville, TN. I had to get out of Erwin otherwise I was afraid I'd get stuck there like so many other hikers had. Many of the work for stay hikers are probably staying the whole summer at this rate. A good percentage of hikers do drop out from their thru hike just because they get stuck in a town that they like.

I checked out and went on the afternoon pizza run. It was an all you can eat pizza place. Similar to a run down, small town Cici's. I ate way too much. I had to undo my pants to allow for there to be room for my new food baby. The pudding there was way weird. Everyone else who tried it agreed. It was a chocolate pudding but it tasted like there was electricity in it. It kinda zapped your tongue. The employee there gaurrnteed that it was just canned pudding but I don't believe her. Something is way weird with that stuff.

I took Grits out on a walk for Malibou. She's such a cutie. She's a great dog for the trail. She was super calm and just quietly walked beside me. We went up the road a ways and back. It really makes me want to adopt a dog out here to join me on the trail. Theory was also thinking about it.

I headed out on the trail and I felt rather sick actually. The pizza was a bad idea. Or more the fact that I ate too much of it. Perhaps it was actually the pudding. I took a long break by the first stream and just rested against my pack.

The trail crossed a rail road right out of Erwin

I made it to the first shelter. It wasn't a long day but it was all I could handle. Chris and DM are here. DM is short for Dungeon Master which has to do with the game Dungeons and Dragons. He convinced Chris and I to make characters for it.

Tonight at Curley Maple Gap Shelter I'm at mile 347 with 1842.8 left to go.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Urgent Care, May 1st

I was planning on leaving Erwin today but that didn't happen. Malibou and I were dropped off at the Urgent care center after breakfast. She doesn't have insurance so she ended up hitch hiking back to the hostel. I went and my toe is looking great aparently. I was able to get a bunch of wipes and stuff to keep it clean. My ear is probably infected from me shoving that walmart jewlery through the closed up skin on my cartilage piercings. I was prescribed antibiotics for it and given plenty of alcohol wipes to keep it clean. Jedd picked me up and brought me to the walgreens to pick up my prescription.

It was forcasted to rain all day and by the time I got out it was at a downpour. With my toe and everything being so raw and sensitive I didn't want to go out hiking in the rain and getting dirty water in my shoe.

I found out my prescription of 2 pills everyday for 10 days, quantity 20 as the papers and bottle state only had 10 pills. I called the pharmacy and they said to come back and they'll give me the other half. Jedd was able to drive me over during his garbage run.

I found this crazy large bug. It was longer than my phone!

I decided to try to make a second attempt at dinner and a movie. I got 2 people to join me, DM and Sunshine. Sunshine is a local with a car so we didn't even have to hitch hike. The Habachi Grill was just okay. Everyone at the hostel played it up to be some great thing. It didn't have bubble tea for one. I only really wanted to go there because my boyfriend suggested that it might have bubble tea. The menu was super limited. You essentially just picked a meat or combination of meats and a vegetable. Super simple place with white walls and a few tables compared to the large size of the place. Food was served in foam to go containers.

A puzzle completed at the restaurant 

DM didn't want to see the movie so Sunshine dropped him off then we went to go see Power Rangers. It was pretty good at first actually then the farther it went on the cheesier it got.

Sunshine is a musician. He played some of the live music at the hostel with another guy named Tarzan. We were going to pick him up then head to some café in Jonson City, TN for a live concert of coffee house type music happening tonight. Tarzan took forever! It got to the point where when they were going to head out it was around 11pm so I decided to just stay at the hostel. It was fun at the hostel. A bunch of us were hanging out at the store. The main guy at the register started a coin fight. He kept opening the register, took a handful of coins and chucked them at me or other people, and of course we also threw coins back at him. It was rediculous. The group of us there were invited back to the staff area with couches and what not to hang out.

Puddle Jumper and I watched another movie on his laptop, this time the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I kept falling asleep during the movie since it was like 1am, waaaay after hiker midnight (9pm). I got to sleep a bit after 2am.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Erwin, April 30th

Another morning at the huddle house. I ordered 2 full breakfasts once again. My hiker hunger is still strong. After breakfast I spent the morning cleaning all the ants out of my food bag. They were everywhere. It was so gross. I had left my food bag open near my bunk without thinking about it. I had an opened package of cookies in there too and the ants got all over everything! I had every intention of taking 2 zero days here in Erwin. My body really needed the chance to rest. I'm glad that the nail came off yesterday giving today a chance for it to heal. I had lightly bandaged my toe last night and I must admit that I was afraid to look at it.

Puddle Jumper was doing nails and ended up doing mine. He's just learning and wanted to paint each nail a different color. We debated over which colored they should be and he chose the order. It was fun getting my nails painted.

Malibu showed up with her new dog Grits! I ended up painting her nails. It was so adorable and she was such a good champ about it too.

 Viking showed up to the hostel and I dragged him along with my plans for the evening. I heard that there was a habatchi grill in town not too far from the movie theater so we went off to check it out. We tried hitching a ride and a couple pulled over in a truck and let us hop in the back. I've never ridden in the back of a truck  before. It was a new experience and it made be a bit nervous. The place ended up being closed so we walked over to BoJangles for dinner. After that the movie theater turned out to be a bust. The times were wrong and we missed the last showing for the day. Erwin is a really dead town on Sundays. It has a ridiculous number of churches, 40-60 some odd number of churches. The towns mayor I believe was the one who drove us back. He was telling us how they were trying to make the town more hiker friendly.

Later on Puddle Jumper and I ended up watching Ex machina on his laptop in the hostel. At least I got to see a movie!

Monday, July 10, 2017

White Water Adventures, April 29th

The morning started off with a shuttle over to an area with a few places that served breakfast. I decided to try Huddle House. My hiker hunger was ravenous. I ordered 2 whole meals and ate them happily. I did feel overstuffed afterward that made the shuttle ride back rather nauseating. I've been getting car sick from spending so much time going walking speed. I was also seated on the floor in the back end on a hot day packed in like a sardine. That didn't help either.

As part of the weekend long hiker shindig the white water rafting company down the street has offered a half priced rafting trip which I signed up to participate in yesterday. We got shuttled up the river then headed on out. Each of us has our own raft which made it more fun.

 Halfway down we pulled off into an eddie to go swimming. It was a pretty nice swimming hole. It was cold water but it was such a hot day that I gladly went in. I watched as one of our guides walks up the river, jumps in, then got sucked under the water being spit out downstream. Him and our other guide took turns doing this as some kind of adrenaline fueled game. I decided to give it a try after asking about it. The goal is to make it up stream to this patch of calm water and then quickly swim over to this area in the middle where these 2 rivers meet. It will only suck you under if I curl up in a cannon ball. I give it a try. I didn't quite make it to the right spot. I barely dipped under. It was still like being on a fun wild ride. I just paddled to the side to get out of the current when I was ready. I had never been in a rushing river like this before. I tried again, Aida got it on film. It wasn't quite right but at least closer. I got some water up my nose but still had fun.

Third times the charm right because I asked for details on how to do it right and went for it nailing it right on the head. I hit the right spot and balled myself up tight and clear directions that as soon as I unball myself and lift my arms up that the water will bring me right up to the surface. The other times I didn't hold the ball long enough coming up too soon. I held myself in a ball calmly letting myself be sucked under untilI needed air. I raised my hands up but nothing. No surface. No air. I was concerned because I thought I was just under the surface. I reaching up hoping to hit air untilI was ready to burst. I was just on the brink of inhaling a full lungfull of water. It was terrifying but I tried to stay calm and suddenly I broke surface. Everyone had gotten quiet concerned thatI had been under so long. I was gasping for air and found my head was screaming and pounding. I couldn't think clear. I was confused and disoriented. It was allI could do to make myself weakly paddle to shore. It took so much concentration to get out of the current. I quickly removed my helmet. It was the worst pain my head had ever been in. Everyone thought that I hit my head but it was most likely from water pressure. I found out later that it got over 25ft deep in that place and that I could have been pulled down deep by a current. Or been spun in a circle among many other possibilities caused by the 2 rivers merging into one. It took awhile to feel better but over time it slowly got better. I had also been blasted by water in both ears. I couldn't get it out. I had been recommended to put hydrogen peroxide in each ear to clear the water out. Since no one had any would buy some during the nightly Wal-Mart run.

Uncle Johnny's had a table as a hiker box filled with lots of items. I found a shirt, sports bra, and shorts that all fit it surprisingly. They were all new, two still had tags on. I'm assuming that someone had bought them from Wal-Mart without trying them on only to discover that they don't fit. While putting the shorts on something felt weird. I wasn't sure what had happened, thinking there was a wood chip or something of the likes that got caught in the shorts and fell off. I shortly later discovered that it was my toe nail. It had caught on the edge of my shorts and lifted up. I can't begin to describe how distraught, worried, scared, and grossed out I was for the rest of the night. It was horrifying. I didn't know what to do.

I ended up going on the Wal-Mart run that evening to pick up hydrogen peroxide and to speak to one of the workers at the pharmacy that do consultations about my toenail. I got bandages for it and went back.

When I got back the hostel was doing loaded baked potatoes for dinner such were amazing. I tried my best to keep my mind off of my toes in the meantime.

When I finally looked I couldn't push the thing back down because the nail had already started to curl up on the edges and become brittle. I wouldn't be able to put it back in my shoe like this. I could look down from The back of the nail and see through under The nail out The other end in the front. The nail had to go. I soaked my foot in epsom salt water up soften it all up to help loosen it. The water in the river today is what made it possible.

A talent show was going on and people were saying that I should pull it off in front of everyone as my talent and that I would probably win. I was told that the show started at 9 but they actually started early and I arrived at the very end not yet ready to remove the nail. I wanted to work it off gently and with care which I did after the show ended.

I did win a bran new stuff sack in a raffle they put on next. So that made the night better. I stuffed my face with this delicious pastry that I bought earlier to drown my misery over my missing toenail. It was a hard decision on if I wanted to send it to my boyfriend or my mom since both suggested making it into a necklace. I will not be doing that. They can if they want to. I sent it to Ken.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hiker Shindig April, 28th

I was the last to leave camp again. It's hard getting going in the morning when you get into camp late. It turned out to be a brutally hot day  so I'm glad that it was only an 11 mile day. I got great views of Erwin and the Nolichucky River on the way down the mountain.

I checked into Uncle Johnny's Nolichucky Hostel which was right there when I got off the trail. I had heard about the hiker shindig that they were putting on this weekend from fliers quite aways back. I was concerned about being able to get a bunk. I got one of the last 2 available. Finally a hiker event thatI arrived on time for.

They run a daily shuttle across town to the Walmart. I came along with to get some snacks. I didn't really need much. I ended up coming away with quite a loot including an unfrosted angel food cake. I tried very hard not to eat it on the way back but I ate about 2/3rds of the cake in the 10min drive back. I was trying to save my appetite for the shrimp cook off happening when we get back. That shrimp was so delicious. It was accompanied by corn and potatoes all cooked and seasoned together. I got a can of lemonade ice tea to top it off. It was a great time.

Tonight in Erwin I'm at mile 342.7 with 1847.1 left to go.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Big Bald, April 27th

I was one of the last to leave camp in the morning since I was so exhausted. To my surprise I was caught up with Spur and his group again.

I passed an area called Sams gap and hoped to find trail magic there but it was just an interesting road crossing.

I finally end up hiking with someone again, a woman around my mom's age named Raid. We both had a hard time with the up hills so we hike together. The day got impressively windy. I'm better at pacing myself while she'll rush ahead and get herself exhausted and fall farther behind so she enjoyed following me at my pace. We climbed forever to the top of big bald, the type of trees and terrain changed the higher we climbed.

The top was a bald. It was raining. This heavy fog drifted in making the air a soupy mess. I think we might have actually been in a cloud. It was so windy we had to walk on an angle to not fall over. It was such an interesting place.

It felt like we were walking around I  circles but at last we descended into a patch of smaller trees which had kind of a middle earth feel to it. There were old ruins. I had to take a break to dig a cat hole. I didn't think that I could make it to the next shelter. I wandered off in this ancient looking forest. It was such a cool place. I'd love to come back someday. I found a foldable table way back there. I imagine a group of guys coming out to this remote location to play Dungeons and Dragons amongst the ruins and mossy covered ground late into the night by the light of candles.

I met Sun at the next shelter. It was a nice shelter but I didn't want to stick around. I decided to head off down the mountain to lower elevations making my hike tomorrow into Erwin a more reasonable length. Raid decided to stay behind. The view cleared up quite a lot as I descended farther down. It was actually a really nice day.

I made camp with a number of other new faces including Sweet Tea and Morning Glory.

Tonight I'm camped at a "stealth" site around mile 331.6 with 1858.2 left to go.