Saturday, July 15, 2017

Leaving Erwin, May 2nd

Last night my feet were just crazy itchy all night long. I have no idea why but it was driving my crazy. I ended up itching of some of the top layer of skin off with my fingernails.

It was very tempting to join Malibou, Sunshine, Tarzan, and Puddle Jumper for a day trip to Ashville, TN. I had to get out of Erwin otherwise I was afraid I'd get stuck there like so many other hikers had. Many of the work for stay hikers are probably staying the whole summer at this rate. A good percentage of hikers do drop out from their thru hike just because they get stuck in a town that they like.

I checked out and went on the afternoon pizza run. It was an all you can eat pizza place. Similar to a run down, small town Cici's. I ate way too much. I had to undo my pants to allow for there to be room for my new food baby. The pudding there was way weird. Everyone else who tried it agreed. It was a chocolate pudding but it tasted like there was electricity in it. It kinda zapped your tongue. The employee there gaurrnteed that it was just canned pudding but I don't believe her. Something is way weird with that stuff.

I took Grits out on a walk for Malibou. She's such a cutie. She's a great dog for the trail. She was super calm and just quietly walked beside me. We went up the road a ways and back. It really makes me want to adopt a dog out here to join me on the trail. Theory was also thinking about it.

I headed out on the trail and I felt rather sick actually. The pizza was a bad idea. Or more the fact that I ate too much of it. Perhaps it was actually the pudding. I took a long break by the first stream and just rested against my pack.

The trail crossed a rail road right out of Erwin

I made it to the first shelter. It wasn't a long day but it was all I could handle. Chris and DM are here. DM is short for Dungeon Master which has to do with the game Dungeons and Dragons. He convinced Chris and I to make characters for it.

Tonight at Curley Maple Gap Shelter I'm at mile 347 with 1842.8 left to go.

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