Friday, July 14, 2017

Urgent Care, May 1st

I was planning on leaving Erwin today but that didn't happen. Malibou and I were dropped off at the Urgent care center after breakfast. She doesn't have insurance so she ended up hitch hiking back to the hostel. I went and my toe is looking great aparently. I was able to get a bunch of wipes and stuff to keep it clean. My ear is probably infected from me shoving that walmart jewlery through the closed up skin on my cartilage piercings. I was prescribed antibiotics for it and given plenty of alcohol wipes to keep it clean. Jedd picked me up and brought me to the walgreens to pick up my prescription.

It was forcasted to rain all day and by the time I got out it was at a downpour. With my toe and everything being so raw and sensitive I didn't want to go out hiking in the rain and getting dirty water in my shoe.

I found out my prescription of 2 pills everyday for 10 days, quantity 20 as the papers and bottle state only had 10 pills. I called the pharmacy and they said to come back and they'll give me the other half. Jedd was able to drive me over during his garbage run.

I found this crazy large bug. It was longer than my phone!

I decided to try to make a second attempt at dinner and a movie. I got 2 people to join me, DM and Sunshine. Sunshine is a local with a car so we didn't even have to hitch hike. The Habachi Grill was just okay. Everyone at the hostel played it up to be some great thing. It didn't have bubble tea for one. I only really wanted to go there because my boyfriend suggested that it might have bubble tea. The menu was super limited. You essentially just picked a meat or combination of meats and a vegetable. Super simple place with white walls and a few tables compared to the large size of the place. Food was served in foam to go containers.

A puzzle completed at the restaurant 

DM didn't want to see the movie so Sunshine dropped him off then we went to go see Power Rangers. It was pretty good at first actually then the farther it went on the cheesier it got.

Sunshine is a musician. He played some of the live music at the hostel with another guy named Tarzan. We were going to pick him up then head to some café in Jonson City, TN for a live concert of coffee house type music happening tonight. Tarzan took forever! It got to the point where when they were going to head out it was around 11pm so I decided to just stay at the hostel. It was fun at the hostel. A bunch of us were hanging out at the store. The main guy at the register started a coin fight. He kept opening the register, took a handful of coins and chucked them at me or other people, and of course we also threw coins back at him. It was rediculous. The group of us there were invited back to the staff area with couches and what not to hang out.

Puddle Jumper and I watched another movie on his laptop, this time the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I kept falling asleep during the movie since it was like 1am, waaaay after hiker midnight (9pm). I got to sleep a bit after 2am.

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