Thursday, July 13, 2017

Erwin, April 30th

Another morning at the huddle house. I ordered 2 full breakfasts once again. My hiker hunger is still strong. After breakfast I spent the morning cleaning all the ants out of my food bag. They were everywhere. It was so gross. I had left my food bag open near my bunk without thinking about it. I had an opened package of cookies in there too and the ants got all over everything! I had every intention of taking 2 zero days here in Erwin. My body really needed the chance to rest. I'm glad that the nail came off yesterday giving today a chance for it to heal. I had lightly bandaged my toe last night and I must admit that I was afraid to look at it.

Puddle Jumper was doing nails and ended up doing mine. He's just learning and wanted to paint each nail a different color. We debated over which colored they should be and he chose the order. It was fun getting my nails painted.

Malibu showed up with her new dog Grits! I ended up painting her nails. It was so adorable and she was such a good champ about it too.

 Viking showed up to the hostel and I dragged him along with my plans for the evening. I heard that there was a habatchi grill in town not too far from the movie theater so we went off to check it out. We tried hitching a ride and a couple pulled over in a truck and let us hop in the back. I've never ridden in the back of a truck  before. It was a new experience and it made be a bit nervous. The place ended up being closed so we walked over to BoJangles for dinner. After that the movie theater turned out to be a bust. The times were wrong and we missed the last showing for the day. Erwin is a really dead town on Sundays. It has a ridiculous number of churches, 40-60 some odd number of churches. The towns mayor I believe was the one who drove us back. He was telling us how they were trying to make the town more hiker friendly.

Later on Puddle Jumper and I ended up watching Ex machina on his laptop in the hostel. At least I got to see a movie!

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