Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Hot Dogs, June 15th

My toe looks pretty angry from where I itched the skin off of it a few days back.

My mom hiked a much shorter section today and went back to the hotel while I hiked on with Blue. Before  she went back we did trail magic! We had made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, an array of other snacks, and mimosas (on request from Sun, we made her trail magic dreams come true!).

We encountered a bear, a young bear. It was pretty close in a dense forrest section, it scared me so bad. I was screamed at it trying to scare it away. Blue never even noticed the thing, he just looked at me like I'm a crazy person.

My mom was suppose to pick me up at a certain time I tried letting her know that I had arrived really early and was going to hike on to the next gap. I never heard back, it turns out she really did destroy her phone and that it no longer works at all. We waited around for a long time and eventually hiked back to the original meeting spot on the road. It was starting to get dusk and I was worried since I had no way to contact her. Blue was just spread out in the grass cooling off. It was another really hot day out and he felt it. I ended up getting Dungeon Master to knock on our hotel door to see if she was there, she wasn't. She did however make it, it was a longer drive than she was expecting, but I had also hiked a lot farther into the park.

We ended up driving to the nearby theater to watch the new Mummy movie which was actually pretty decent until the very end where they just went overboard and destroyed the thing. We stopped at Walmart to pick up things to do trail magic for tomorrow.

Today I made it to mile 882.1 with 1307.7 left to go.

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