Saturday, October 14, 2017

Maintain Crazy, June 7th

I slept way in this morning. It turned out to be quite a cold night and it was pretty hard to get out and ready in the morning. I think it dropped to the high 30s with it being in the low 40s when I got up.

There was so much elevation gain today it was crazy! It just went up and up and up. From where we started and the highest point it was a 3,000 ft gain. We decided to do short miles because of this at 13.

There was a side trail to Apple Orchard Falls. It was an added 2.2 miles round trip and a very steep long climb. The falls were incredible. They were 200ft falls. We climbed around and took a bunch of photos. It was a great midday break. The climb back up, not so much.


On the last stretch of the trail I started getting really dizzy. I was stumbling and felt like I might faint. I sat down for awhile and ate some food. I'm not sure why that happened. I was getting tired though.

The guillotine

The shelter before the campsite where I'm staying at was so beautiful with so many flowering trees but no one was staying there. The campsite I'm staying at is crowded, such a shame. I think it might rain tonight, a heavy fog, possibly a low cloud rolled in.

Tonight at Harrison Ground Spring I'm at mile 773.5 with 1416.3 left to go.

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