Sunday, October 1, 2017

Beautiful Day, June 6th

Today has been absolutely fantastic. The weather was perfect and the trail was easy. We encountered a deer in the morning who wasn't afraid of us. We walked right up on the trail to it and it never got scared or ran away. I wonder if it was sick. We only did 13.5 miles because there was a swim spot. It's on a river and it was clean and clear. It never got too deep. It was cool but really refreshing. I think I spent the most time in the water out of everyone there. I made a mountain house meal and ended up spilling the package before I could add water. I tried to put as much back as I could.

 There is a campground down the road that offers free shuttles for hikers so we got a ride over. Before leaving Scout lost his glasses. We searched all over but no luck. Maybe I'm bad luck for people with glasses?

We all got snacks and I bought a package of popcorn so we all got our own bags then we had ice cream while watching the movie Oz the Great and Powerful. They had a game room with a bunch of couches, a large tv, and a stack of DVDs. It was a great way to spend a hot afternoon. We found this really creepy monkey stuffed animal. It was nightmare fuel.  I found a lucky rabbits foot in the camp store that I purchased. I'm hoping that it'll turn my luck around.

I found a fluffy fly! 

The shelter tonight is a 20 person shelter. It's like a mansion. Including myself there's only 4 people staying inside, it's great being able to spread out. I love this campsite. To top off the night there are a ton of fireflies out.

Tonight at Bryant Ridge Shelter I'm camped at mile 760.1 with 1429.7 left to go.

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