Wednesday, September 27, 2017

1/3rd, June 5th

We woke this morning to rain. It rained almost all day, never a hard rain but it was constant. It was hard to get a hitch from the hotel and the rain probably didn't help but we eventually got a ride part way there. It was a tight fit but we were so thankful to not have to walk, it saved us a good few miles probably.

Sun and I went to the post office, I had a number of things to send home. I sent in my darn tough socks hoping to get them replaced. They have gone thread bare on the bottom. I did get a new pair at the outfitter the other day. I'm only carrying the one pair of socks, so only the ones I'm wearing, and 2 pairs of sock liners.

I sent my old poles back to REI. They'll take a look at them and hopefully send a refund for the new ones plus the shipping. I'm really excited to have the new poles! They feel great.

I sent a box of food forward to the next town,  Glasgow. It's really too much to carry that amount of food that I had sent to get me to Waynesboro which is over a week. I'm going to have to split up future foods drops that I have. It's just too heavy.

I sent a box home filled with a bunch of things. I dropped 2.5 lbs of weight off my pack, it feels great! Mostly clothing and a few small things.

We did 18 miles. The terrain was really manageable. It did stop raining towards the end of the hike so my clothing was able to start to dry. We are officially at the one third mark on the trail! Just have two thirds left to go. The trail runs along the Blue Ridge Parkway for the next 100 miles. I'd really like to drive it someday, it's so pretty. We all packed out subway sandwiches that we bought yesterday. I also brought along a green smoothie drink, a banana, a cookie, and cheetoes, it really felt like a day of luxury.

The shelter area was at max capacity. We were all able to get shelter space thankfully. My tent was still wet on the inside from the condensation back at 4 pines. I meant to hang it up at the hotel but I completely forgot.

My toenails are growing back. They are growing back really fast and are not pretty. I used to have really nice big toenails but these are not. I hope it isn't permanent. They are hurting from all the swelling from my feet being wet all day.

I hurt the back of my right leg somehow. I'm not sure what happened but there's pain there now.

The rash on my back keeps coming and going for the past few days. It's coming down from a bad flare. I'm sure it's chafing from my pack which isn't fun.

Tonight at Bobblets Gap Shelter I'm camped at mile 746.6 with 1443.2 leftto go.

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