Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bill, May 26th

Viking, Dirty Duck, and I all slept in and it was soooo needed. All of my socks I wore yesterday are now stiff. I can hold them and they keep their form. Dirty Duck and I went down to the free breakfast of waffles then quickly packed up.

Bill, a guy that I hiked with for a few days at Isle Royale drove out to meet me in Wytheville. He took me to breakfast at the cracker barrel then a trip to the walmart. It was fantastic getting to catch up with him after so long. He even drove Dirty Duck's and my packs up to the Lickskillet hostel 13 miles up the trail so we got to slack pack over.

My darn tough socks are officially falling apart. They have some thread bare sections. I sent them an email to replace them but ill need to send them in with a form to get them replaced. Not only this but they are ridiculously stiff.

I heard back from ibex and they'll be sending me a new shirt made from a merino synthetic blend and a sports bra. I'm excited to try out new stuff from them. I hope it holds up well unlike the last shirt. I'm not sure what to do with the one I have now.

On the way to the hostel we encountered an area that looked like it should be in Arizona.

Finally, a day without rain. It was a lovely day. It wasn't too hot or cold and it didn't rain which gave the earth some time to start absorbing some of the rain from the past few days.

I found a large beetle.

And a strange plant ball thing.

There were so many caterpillars out everywhere. I had to keep taking them off of me.

We made it to mile 600 today!

We ran into Dungeon Master, Catfish, and Kevin/Still Hank. We all hiked into the road that lead to the hostel. Mongo, the owner drove over and picked us up. He was a thru hiker that didn't finish and landed here. The hostel is new this year and in an old abandoned one room church. He is still working on the place, making it nicer like adding wifi and a showerhouse. The place has an outhouse. He has a nice flat screen tv and a great DVD collection. We ended up watching the 4th Mummy movie. I didn't even know it existed. It was like a bad fan fiction that was made into a movie.

Showering was an experience here. I had a bunch of knobs and switches that I was told to turn off when I'm done. The shower was in a shed but it was hot and had fantastic pressure. It felt great!

Mongo made us perfectly broiled chicken breats in toasted buns. It was so delicious! We all got 2. He has a bunch of food and drinks that we can just take. Everything he offers including the night is a suggested donation of $15. He does so much and asks so little for everything. He even drove some of us into town for a snack and drink run.

The dog here is really friendly. He loves attension and tug of war. I had a great time just playing with him.

I love how we get pillows with cases and a mattress cover. It's the little things that make a huge difference. I really like this place.

Tonight at Lickskillet Hostel I'm at mile 603.2 with 1586.6 left to go.

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