Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Black Bears, May 30th

Today has been filled with many mishaps....

I found out that the shelter behind me and the campsite ahead of me had amazing sunset views, I got nothing.

I walked through a bunch of foliage to go... "gardening in the woods" only to find out I probably walked through one of the poison plants. My legs itched like crazy. I wiped myself down with wet wipes hoping it'll take the oils with it. My legs eventually felt better.

I took a bad fall today too. I tripped and landed hard on my lower arm on top of a branch so all the impact happened in one spot. Luckily my arm is okay. It hurts pretty bad, it's scratched, and there'll probably be a huge bruise there later. My poles on the other hand were not so lucky. One of them broke in 2 places. I was able to shove the broken section farther into the adjustable height sections making for a much shorter pole but still usable for now. I sat down on a rock for an hour with REI on the phone. They were carbon fiber REI poles. They are sending me new ones to the next town, Daleville, VA.

On my way into the first shelter of the day on the switchback before the last that led to the shelter I saw a black bear! My first time seeing a wild black bear. It was a young bear, maybe a year old and it ran off into the woods when it saw me coming!

I stopped in at Bailey Gap Shelter and found this...

This is a cruel joke

I ended the day at Wind Rock. I ate dinner while watching the sun set. It was a perfect way to end the night.

Tonight at Wind Rock I am camped at mile 662.5 with 1527.3 left to go.

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