Thursday, September 7, 2017

25%, May 23rd

Well the tv did not fall on Kevins head last night. We got ready, went to the gas station for food then hit the trails again with the song "on the road again" stuck in my head, changed to "on the trail again".

On our way out we were crossing a bridge then a series of planks across some water and we found 2 baby ducks covered in filth dead floating. It was really sad but it was too perfect for Dirty Duck. He got his name from a story he told about falling into some nasty dirty water and finding a dead duck next to him.

We came across an old cemetary

It rained for most of the day. The trail was very muddy and it was hard on my knees because of that. I slipped so much! I slipped and fell on my ass in the mud while attempting to climb one of the many fence stiles. There were so many of them today and I got so angry at them. They are pretty hard on the knees to climb and not to mention slippery.

We crossed a number of cow fields so that's why there were so many fences to climb.

We also made it to the official 25% marker! Just need to do the same distance 3 times over. Today also marks me being out here on the AT for exactly 2 months.

We got off on a road that has a hostel 2.5 miles down the road. The guide book says that they'll pick us up but none of us had service so we walked. The turn off on to his road kept kept going up and up and up. It was pretty brutal walking up it. Right when we got near the top the guy pulls down and gives us a ride the rest of the way up. He had a brand new car and I felt kinda bad getting in there being so wet and dirty.

My feet are extremely pruned and I think my feet grew another half size so my left foot fits and my right toes are touching the front now and it hurts.

The guy thruhiked a number of years ago and his trail name was Lumbermack. He has a beautiful home on the top of the mountain surrounded by cow fields. He runs a working farm and opens his home to thruhikers. It was really clean and comfortable, very nice after being in the rain all day.

Lumbermack made us a wonderful dinner, everything was from his farm too. He cans all of his own things. The kitchen has a real juke box and an old school barber shop set up inside.  It was a very interesting place. We finished up the night by playing a game called "Trail Magic" it was about hiking the AT and so rediculously relevant, it was a hoot.

Tonight at Appalachian Dreamer Hiker Hostel I am at mile 556.5 with 1633.5 left to go.

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