Thursday, September 21, 2017

Night Hiking Disasters, May 31st

Today was a really really tough day. I hiked most of it with Dungeon Master. He convinced me to try to make it 23 miles today. We were going to night hike in to the Niday Shelter. The inclines were rough but nothing we couldn't handle. I inhaled a fly and coughed up a storm. I never got the thing out. We passed some cool horse and cow fields in the afternoon.

A guy named Longhorn stopped us and offered some drinks. He was doing some minor trail magic for the hikers. I got some water and he took our trash off our hands. He hiked the AT in 1993.

We got to see the Keffer Oak tree. It's the largest oak tree on the AT in the South at 18' around and 300 years old.

Dungeon Master at Keffer Oak

Me at Keffer Oak

We had one of the toughest uphill climbs yet. It was so steep up to this new range. We made it to the turn off for the Sarver Hollow Shelter which is a steep half mile climb down. It was around 8pm. I made dinner and was going to do a half hour break before headed back out on the trail to do the last 6 miles. Then it started drizzling. We heard a rumor that there were some rough slanted rocks ahead. Most people exaggerate how bad the terrain is so I was just going to continue on anyways. The storm cloud didn't look so bad and it was clear skies on the other side so I was going to push on knowing that the rain won't be so bad and that it'll pass. Dungeon Master has somewhat slick shoes and completed dropped out at the first drizzle wanting to hike down to the shelter. I was so mentally ready to take on my first night hiking adventure that we parted ways. I packed up everything and my dinner then headed off.

The sunset was really beautiful through the trees. I got a good solid hour of hiking in before it was dark dark. The rain let up a bit. My shoes were just soaked though. The slanted rocks were no joke. I had seenc some earlier and they were nothing, I laughed at the idea that they were hard but when I came across the 2 view points I was in for a surprise. The rain was at a drizzle and the rocks were wet, they were so steep and just let right off the edge of the cliff. It would be so easy to fall to my death. They were slight clearings and the moonlight lit up the valley below. It was just so beautiful being up here at night but the terrain was a killer. I slipped a few times and fell once. The rocks just went on for miles. It was just so slow going, it took forever to get through. It got spooky after awhile. Dungeon Master and I had passed an area with a bunch of piled up rocks that just looked so ominous. I couldn't help but be on edge as if I was in a horror film. I was surprised to have service up here. I called my mom and put her in speaker phone to keep me company. I had been talking to myself to make noise to keep animals away and to try to calm myself. It was nice talking to her but it didn't last long, the call dropped and I ran out of service range.

I walked on for hours. I eventually saw some reflective lights off on the side of the trail. A tent, I was so hungry, thirsty, and tired that even if this wasn't the shelter I wanted to set up camp. Most tents have reflective points to help find them in the dark. I didn't see a side trail over so I thought it must have been a stealth camp. I walk closer asking who is there wanting to find out if there was room. It turns out that the lights were not a tent... it was a bear whose eyes were reflecting back from my weak headlamp. I yelled out making noise slowly backing up to the trail then down the trail, looking back every few steps until it was gone. He never moved, just turned his head watching me as I walked away. I was so scared and jumpy after that, almost on the verge of crying, I just wanted to be in camp. I made a lot of noise after that hoping to let animals know that I was coming. I eventually saw another set of eyes, I yelled out knowing that they were eyes this time. I never got close enough to see for sure but I'm pretty sure that it was a deer.

I stumbled over roots and rocks all night. I stubbed my right toe hard on a large rock and actually moved it in the process, it hurt so much. I rolled and twisted my left ancle a number of times too. I was struggling to continue on.

I eventually got to the shelter at 11:15pm. I was afraid to go down the path because it wasn't marked, all I saw was a bunch of reflective lights down the hill. I slowly worked my way down hoping to not be walking into a family of bears but it was the shelter and I just started crying. I was so happy to have finally made it. I was really worried about disturbing everyone but there was a spot open inside the shelter. I was trying to stay as quiet as I could. I ate my cold, waterlogged chicken teriyaki with rice mountain house meal. It was so gross, I feel like chicken teriyaki has been ruined for me forever now. I just kept shoveling it down my throat anyways I was just so hungry. I really should have stretched but I just went right to sleep. I didn't hang a bear bag for my food because I was just so tired. I had a hard time falling asleep. No matter what position I layed in something hurt. I rolled around a bunch, timing it in with when the other person next to me would roll over.

Tonight at Niday shelter I'm at mile 685.6 with 1504.2 left to go.

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