Sunday, September 24, 2017

McAfee Knob, June 2nd

It was an early morning. Everyone camped around me decided to get up at 5am and made a lot of noise. I couldn't fall back asleep. Then the chickens kept crowing which wasn't much of a problem but I was fully awake. There was so much condensation in my tent this morning. Everything was just wet. I'm told that it's because I was camped in the grass. I ended up eating my snickerdoodle cashew milk ice cream as part of my breakfast and it was delicious. I added some to Sun's coffee and she really enjoyed it. I saw Dungeon Master at the hostel in the morning,  he was able to make it in late last night.

Sun and I hiked together today. I felt very beat from the past few days but I pushed on. I really wish I could have zeroed today. It was actually a wonderful day, blue skies, warm, a breeze, the trail was alright. I got to help another hiker out today. She was sick and I was able to help out with vitamin C powder and cough drops. Then the highlight of the day... McAfee knob! The most iconic image of the Appalachian Trail. Scout, sun, and I took a bunch of photos and had a great time relaxing up there.

Sun making me walk the knob

Making Sun walk the knob

It was super bright

View from the knob

We passed another knob nearby that looked awesome. 




We passed some interesting rock formations on the way down.

The climbs up to Tinkered Rocks were miserable. The incline was rough, particularly towards the end of the day. Tinkered Rocks was so beautiful!

I made a friend. Not sure what it was but we hung out for awhile together. 

We met up with Scout and decided to eat dinner while watching the sunset since the shelter was only a mile downhill. A number of other hikers joined us in watching the sunset,  Mcgiver, Stitch, Anonymous, and a few others. It was just so stunning.

A fly found it's way into my water bottle. It was so gross, it was one of the bigger flies and it was squirming around. I don't know how long it had been in there for but I was so limited on water I couldn't afford to dump the whole thing. I was however able to get the thing out.

I went out "gardening" in the woods and dug up some old toilet paper. I found myself a different place to add fertilizer to the ground after that.

I didn't take any lactaid with my pasta Primavera and ended up farting all night long.

Once the sun set everyone bolted for the shelter. Sun and I were in the back. She promised to stay with me since I didn't want to night hike again. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as the other night. It was an easy hike in. I did however slip on some lose gravel on a steep section and fall on my knee. Sun didn't take it seriously and ended up slipping on the same exact spot.

Everyone who was up on Tinkered Rocks with us were the only ones here at the shelter and there was room for everyone. Eventually Spring Break showed up and we made room for him. Later on Dungeon Master showed up, I was wondering if he'd make it or not today.

I also had a moth fly down my shirt and into my sports bra right as I was getting ready for bed. That was weird.

Tonight at Lamberts Meadow Shelter I'm at mile 718.7 with 1471.1 left to go!

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