Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Angel's Rest, May 29

This morning the hostel offered a biscuit breakfast. It's been a lazy morning relaxing here and it was so needed. A bunch of us watched a few movies in the morning before heading out. I stopped at the Food Lion for a quick lunch, a sandwich and banana. I set my pack down near the doors. There was a sketchy guy a ways down by the carts sitting and when I got back out he had moved my pack a foot over and was standing where I had set it. I have no idea why, everything seems to be just as I left it though.

I was dropped back off on the trail and my pack on the road a mile down the trail since other hikers were being dropped off there. It was a nice quick 1 mile slack pack. At the end I ram into a guy doing trail magic. He had previously tried to hike the AT but injury himself. He was doing burgers and Gatorades. I  quickly drank a giant Gatorade.

I didn't go all that far today and my late start, only 9 miles. I did my first nero in, nero out of a town. At least I'm pretty sure that it's my first.

There were many posted signs that read "Posted"

The views at the shelter on top of the ridge line were amazing! I decided to continue on for the campsite a mile down the ridge line but no views! It's been such a beautiful clear day, I can see the colors of the sunset through the trees. Everyone camped at the last shelter is getting quite the treat right now.

Tonight I'm camped at mile 643.7 with 1546.1 left to go.

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