Thursday, September 21, 2017

Dragons Tooth, June 1st

I woke up super sore, it was hard to get going and it ended up being a pretty late morning. Morning Glory, Sweet Tea, Fresh, and a few other hikers I've met before were here at the shelter, that was pretty exciting. I found out that I didn't really disturb anyone last night. I was so worried about that. I'm surprised that my ancles aren't destroyed despite rolling them so much. They feel just fine. I think my ancle are really strong.

A butterfly landed on my nasty sock 

Today was rough, so many ups and downs that were just so hard to do. My plan was to make it to 4 pines tonight to meet up with Sun and Scout and go to the all you can eat restaurant that they shuttle you to. The last 7 miles didn't have water. I should have filled up but I didn't. I got to the last shelter and it was a half mile to the shelter and another .2 down to the water. I was already pressed for time and it was all downhill that I didn't want to add another mile plus to my day. I firgured I'd find some unmarked water source along the way and left with my half liter. That was a big mistake.

I got really desperate for water. The hike was way hard. So much bouldering and rocks, it was quite time consuming and tiring. I was considering peeing into my filter bag and filtering my pee to drink I was so desperate. I ran into McGiver and he gave me some of his water. I was so concerned about dehydration. I was so thankful for him to help me out.

Next came Dragons Tooth. I've been looking forward to Dragons Tooth for awhile. I know that it's climbable. I met a girl named Yall. She took a picture for me and gave me some water.  It was quite a climb to get where I was but I never made it to the top. I was so shakey from all the hiking and so dehydeated that I just didn't feel like it was a good idea. It was a risky climb to the end. I'd like to come back some day and climb it, just not today.

Me near the top

The climb down was insane! It was rediculous! It was so sliwgoing rocky and challenging, the hardest section yet. I had to take my pack off to get down some of the sections. I'm glad Yall was with me, this was better not to do alone. I'm glad I did this section in the day light when it was dry.

Of coarse there was a sign warning about the terrain only on the other side.

We passed the 700 mile mark, there wasn't any maker that showed it like the others though. We eventually made it to 4 pines. The hostel is a 3 car garage turned into a hiker hang out. It was a pretty interesting place that's for sure.  I couldn't believe the number of hikers here. I was told that there has been about 60 hikers here every night for the past few days. I have caught up to the bubble, the bubble in front.

We were too late for the restaurant, they were closed. We were however able to be shuttled over to the kroger and strip mall. Yall didn't want to go but Sun and Scout joined me. I bought so much food for dinner and tomorrow. Shopping on an empty stomach is never a good idea. I got a shower and hung out for awhile. The shower was amazing! I went to bed late, the bullfrogs were so loud!

Tonight at 4 pines I'm at mile 702.4 with 1487.4 left to go.

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