Thursday, September 7, 2017

Trail Days Day 1, May 19th

In the morning I went over to the firehouse for breakfast. They were putting on a $5 breakfast which ended up being rather disappointing. It was small and you didn't have a choice of what you got. Just a box to go. I found Scout on my way over and we went together. I haven't seen him in a long time, I ran into him in tent city this morning. We met up with Sun and Pots, they had already gotten their breakfast.

We all went over to a bed and breakfast putting on some trail magic after that. I got a pb&j and some cookies which filled me up since the firehouse breakfast wasn't enough.  Then we headed for the parking lot doing foot washing and free check ups. In order to get my my feet looked at I had to do the foot washing. It end up being a religious thing like Jesus washing your feet. I waited in line and get my feet washed. The church volunteer who washed my feet was telling me these grim stories that were going on in the news which was actually really depressing. He also gave me a foot keychain that says Jesus loves me give me a sharpie to write my name on it. It was kinda strange. I asked him not to touch my big toe nails because they were in a lot of pain because I had just lost my toenails. I reminded him that if you times after he can't kept touching them hurting them. It wasn't a fun experience. I got my feet looked at and everything was looking alright! I felt a lot better having a doctor look at my feet.

Next we all went over to the thrift store to pick out outfits. We've been hearing how it's a tradition for trail days to go to the thrift store to pick out an outfit to wear, usually a goofy outfit. It was fun playing dress up and trying on a bunch of things.

Next we went to the yellow deli. They had a food truck there and delicious sandwiches and drinks. They even gave discounts to current through hikers. Sun was telling me how I look like I belong because I was wearing a dress. All of the woman had long sleeves though. They make themselves big present a few places on the trail. I was also told that they are cult and a try to get you to join them.

In the main strip there were a lot of booths. I signed up for ton of raffles. One of the booths had a giant pack that we could try on.

Back at tent city I brought the rest of my hiking cloths over to a truck doing laundry for hikers. It was a long line to get things washed but luckily it was a drop off then come back later to pick up thing.

We went over to Hey joes. I only really wanted to go because those nachos were amazing last week. Once in I found out that they changed the menu for the weekend by limiting the menu items to accommodate the large quantity of customers coming in. They took the nachos off the menu. I asked about it and they still made them for me! I was so happy.

I was able to pick up some sleep medicine from the pharmacy in town to help me sleep.

Later that night tent city became one giant party. There was a massive bonfire on the other side with people singing and dancing around the fire. It was a great night.

1 comment:

  1. I like these pictures :> <3
    stay strong you're doing so well I believe in you !!
