Thursday, September 7, 2017

Marion, May 21st

I woke up to most everyone packed up and gone. Everyone I had camped with left without saying goodbye. I did however sleep all the way through the night which was amazing! It aparently continued to rain all night. Tent city was a huge muddy mess. There was so much condensation in my tent that the bottom of my quilt got wet. I also discovered that my phone charging cable broke and no longer worked. I was able to buy a new one at the dollar general thankfully! I donated my thrift store outfit back and continued on to catch the shuttle to Marion, VA. I decided to stay the night in Marion because I was still just so tired from the weekend and it just kept on raining. I was hoping to make it over to Atkins which is 12 miles up the trail but we got into town a lot later than I had expected.

Everyone who got off ended up getting rooms at the Travel Inn and going to dinner at the nearby Mexican restaurant. I got this crazy burito that was drenched in cheese. It was delicious and so rediculously cheesey.

I watched some goofy YouTube videos then the movie Cabin in the Woods with Wi-fi, Caboose, mama mal, and I forget the name of the 4th hiker. It was a good night.

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