Monday, September 18, 2017

Bland, May 25th

Another cold rainy day. We got waffles at the main house then got shuttled back to the trail.  It was actually fairly decent at first but then the rain came. I was so sore and worn out, I really didn't want to get out of the bed.

The trail wasn't all that bad. Catfish and Kevin/Still Hank decided to hunker down in their tents 6 miles from town and Viking went on ahead possibly yellow blazing up the trail. He had gotten a room at the Red Roof Inn in the town over from Bland called Wytheville so I never actually went into the town of Bland. When Dirty Duck and I got off the trail we stopped in a store to dry off and warm up a bit then got a hitch to the gas station down the street where we were able to get a shuttle driver, Bubba to drive us over.

There was a Cracker Barrel right next to the hotel. Dirty Duck and I went there for dinner and stuffed our faces. I felt pretty sick from eating too much afterwards. Viking didn't want to come because he's been pretty sick. Specifically diareah sick. He's avoiding eating because it just upsets his stomach more. I'm wondering if he got norovirus because of how he's been tied to the toilet. He won't go out in the woods either period, he just holds it in until town since the very beginning. He recently had to dig one because he couldn't hold it. He also eats all this junk food and candy bars on the trail. It's funny because he's been complaining about all the desserts that I was eating when I was in Gatlinburg but now he's eating all this candy as his meals.

The Red Roof Inn was actually very nice. Probably the best hotel I've stayed in on the trail. It was like a suite with 2 rooms and 2 tvs, just Very large and spacious. We ended up watching the Goonies and Ghostbusters. A fantastic way to end the night.

Today I made it to Bland on the trail at mile 590.1 with 1599.7 left to go.

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