Friday, March 23, 2018

Anthrocon Adventure, June 29th - July 3rd

I packed up in the morning and hiked 2 miles down the trail to a road where I had arranged my friend Kyle to pick me up to head over to Pittsburgh to attend Anthrocon for the weekend. Anthrocon is the world's largest furry convention, I've been to it twice in past years. The best way to describe furries are fans of anthropomorphic animals, or just fans of animals in general. A ton of my friends came from all over and it was amazing getting to see everyone that came.

Me wearing Minx

My friend, Cy, let me borrow one of their bran new fursuits that they just got. The suit hadn't even been worn before! I was a bit too tall for it since it was made for Cy and I'm taller than Cy but it was amazing being able to suit around with everyone. The character's name is Minx, he's an aquatic creature called a manokit.

At Fernando's

I found a delicious salad place that offered grain bowls too

My Canadian friend Alu serving gay bacon

An awesome badge I saw

I got to eat at some really awesome restaurants too.

Chicken and waffles with watermelon that was just too spicy 

Dinner with my friend Kai

My friends Kai, Orthello, and Chris

A bar called Tonic got replaced with a taco joint which I ate at on Friday and had 3 tacos then got really sick. I spent most of the next morning running to the toilet to unleash brown waterfalls upon the porcelain.

It was really sad having to leave. The city reminded me a lot of home. I haven't felt this homesick in a long time. Kyle and his friends stopped at a Bob Evans for lunch after we got back, I had never eaten at one before. Then we went to the South Mountain Creamery next to the trail where I left off. It was an ice cream shop in the middle of a dairy farm. I got to watch cows being milked while eating my ice cream. It was absolutely delicious too. I got a scoop of peach and a scoop of orange pineapple and each were filled with their respected fruits as well.  After that, it was time to hike on.

There was a fantastic view down the trail in the campsite to a cliff with a  overlook to the sunset and the town below. I sat there and ate my dinner. The temperature finally cooled so it made the rocks super warm and comfy to lay on. It was a fantastic way to end the day.

I'm sitting in my tent writing this with the background noise of a chorus of fireworks. I can't see any of them but they keep on going off. I bet it would be great viewing from that cliff but it's a bit of a walk in the dark and I'm tired.

Tonight at Annapolis Rocks I am at mile 1048.2 with 1141.6 left to go.

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