Monday, March 26, 2018

Pennsylvania, July 5th

Yesterday I bought some 2" foam tape in town to try on my back instead of the hiker goo that I purchased in DC. My pack rash is back again. I taped over the large red splotches of skin. I feel like it will rub and peal off as I hike but here goes nothing.

Right as I was ready to leave it started raining. Chris picked me up and dropped me back off on the trail. The rain eventually died down and I crossed the Maryland Pennsylvania State boarder. A new state! Having to pee, I chose to pee in 2 states at the same time by straddling the state line off of the trail. It's the little things that entertain you and keep you going.

Crossing into Pennsylvania 

Awhile later the rain started to pick back up again and continued to come and go for the rest of the day. I got a cold, it started with a light scratchy throat and ended in a full blown out nasty cold at the end of the day. I feel miserable. Uncle Puck caught up to me today and we both hiked together for the rest of the day and were joined by a guy named Frank. There were some nasty rocks along the trail here and there but overall I couldn't complain because the trail was mostly flat.

I passed double shelters that were connected and one was designated for snorers and one for not

A group of us staying at the Trail of Hope Hostel in Fayetteville went to a bar and grill for dinner. It was... disappointing. I ordered scallops and they were completely flavorless. Then there was the cranberry juice incident. I ordered cranberry juice and was almost done with the glass when the waitress fills my glass up with tea by accident since Frank, across from me asked for a refill. I asked to make sure it was cranberry juice and she apologized and took my glass away. Then she returned with another glass of cranberry juice. I never wanted anther glass but since it was there I drank it. My bill came back with 2 $3 charges for juice. I was pretty disappointed by this. Not only did she ruin my first cup and took it away from me but she made me pay for something I never wanted or asked for. I should have complained and argued with her about it. She never asked if I wanted a second drink... I just felt so miserable and I really wanted to leave. Needed to rant about this, it drove me crazy.

Later on that night I was bleeding out of my butt for a bit after going to the toilet, no idea why. It never happened again. In good news my taped back was a success. It all stayed in place for the most part for the entire day and I had no issues or worsening of my back arise.

Tonight at the Trail of hope hostel I'm at mile 1082.5 with 1107.3 left to go.

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