Sunday, March 4, 2018

Zoo Trip, June 27th

After packing up at the hostel, the hostel let us stow our packs in an area in the basement, we made our way to the Smithsonian Zoo. It's suppose to be a really well known zoo, one of the best in the country. It felt kinda small but also spread out. I didn't get the chance to grab anything to eat along the way so hunger was distracting.

After the zoo we made our way to the train to head back to Harpers Ferry. I loaded up on food in the train station. I finally ate my first meal of the day at 4pm there. They had such a great selection of places to eat there at Union Station. I bought food from Roti. I eat there a lot at home so it was really nice getting to eat some of my favorite foods.

Once back in Harpers Ferry things got a bit disastrous but all worked out in the end. We are staying at the Teahorse hostel again and arrived at a much more favorable time of day this time around. I left my box of food that I had delivered to the ATC at the ATC on Sunday before leaving for DC with the understanding that either someone will be there after closing to give it to me or that it will be left behind the building for me to collect since the train gets in 15min after the ATC closes. I get there and no one is there and my box is not where I was told it would be. I was on the verge of crying thinking someone might have stolen it. I put gear in there that I didn't need in DC just to lighten my load. I needed that box! Someone across the street said his wife worked there and it was a very long process of trying to contact other people to contact other people to try to get someone to come in. I spent an hour waiting around stressed. It turns out that my box was right by the back door on the inside of the building. It was ready to go out but no one put it out there. The woman who drove over spent so much time trying to contact people because she didn't want to go in to look when all she needed to do was open the door. I'm really thankful that I got my box though. My other box from Ken was also there! It hadn't arrived the last time I was there and they even put that one with my original box! It all turned out well in the end. I spent the rest of the evening doing a shake down. I need to loose more weight off my pack, it'll help a lot with my knees and pack rash.

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