Monday, April 24, 2017

Cheoah Bald

Cheoah Bald sucked. It's been the hardest thing so far. It was like 8 miles of steep uphill climbing all day long and to top it off it got up to 80F. I had taken a shower at the hostel this morning but it didn't matter just hours later, i was drenched in sweat. I went through so much water today. Today is also my birthday. I leveled up. I'm on the next level which is harder like in a video game. On the plus side I'm doing pretty darn good. I used and reapplied sunscreen to my hands throughout the day. I finished the steroids for my rash this morning so hopefully it won't come back, I'm looking forward to the sun gloves i ordered, I should get them in two days. I saw a lizard today on a rock. I'm not sure what kind but I like reptiles.

I got to meet a hiker named Mother Goose. It was such an honor to meet her. She's turning 70 this year. She is through hiking the AT for the 6th time. She first hiked it in 1988. She's also hiked the Pacific Crest Trail 3 times and has done most of the Continental Divide Trail but has chosen not to finish because of the grizzly bears along the trail, which is understandable. She told me that this section is the hardest section of the whole trail, I'll be doing the second half tomorrow. She also finds the AT to be the hardest of the tree trails (of the tripple crown), I had always thought that the AT was the easiest of the three. I guess I'll find out for myself if I ever hike the other 2. Mother Goose has hiked so many other trails as well. I really respect the fact that she keeps on going, even in her old age. I want to be like her when I'm old.

Top of Cheoah Bald

The bald had a such nice view but I've seen so many just like it. It's starting to loose the awe factor a bit.

While in camp some of the hikers sung me happy birthday. I ate a chocolate s'mores desert pudding for special treat.

I had another fun adventure in bear bagging tonight. I had the hardest time getting my rock sack over the branch. I chose an awkward one next to Justins then my rock sack pull cord came undone and the thing flew off into the night. It took me awhile to find it in the dark and I fell alot. After I got it up there it ended up sliding down the branch while I was hauling my bags up and tangled with Justins. Something happened and his bags fell down and almost hit me. His line melted and broke from the friction. He had low quality rope. The handle of one of my bags got ripped up so I can't hang it by the handle anymore. At least there's a pull cord.

I'm at mile of 147.4 with 2044.9 left to go. I'm camped at Locust Cove Gap.

1 comment:

  1. That climb sounds beyond brutal! My legs would have cramped so badly! That was awesome of the hikers to sing you happy birthday and give you a dessert! I know it was inconvientient, but I chuckled at your rucksack debacle! "It flew off into the night" Haha!

    Best of luck!
