Sunday, April 23, 2017


The NOC (Nantahala Outdoors Center) is a really cool place actually. There's a lot of outdoor things to do here. It's centered over a river which is really pretty and fun to see some of the competitive water goers.

I was headed down for breakfast when I ran into The Jersey Boys. They told me that Ben was quitting and I should go up and talk to him. Sure enough, he wanted to go home. I thought for sure that he was one of the ones that was going to actually make it to Katahdin but this isn't for everyone. It was fun hanging out with him while he's been out here. 

Today I've been seeing a lot of people that I haven't seen in days or since day one. Bankt, the guy from Germany I hiked with a bit on the first day, he just walked into the NOC! Just so many people. 

Since my birthday is tomorrow I decided to go white water rafting. It was a 3 hour adventure on an 8.5 mile stretch of river that went up to class 3 rapids. It was a ton of fun. I got hit the most with water. No one else got full body splashed but me and it kept happening. The water was so cold but refreshing, i had the best spot. The girl next to me and myself almost fell out a few times from the front of the boat flooding with water and hitting rocks. It was a rough ride. A group ahead of us had people fall into the water. Luckily I didn't! Our guide had a lot to share with us about the areas history and the plants around us on the trail, he also had us do spins down some of the rapids and surf the rapids where we float in place by adjust the weight in the boat. We also purposely bounced off rocks. 

My rash is gone for the most part. I ordered sun gloves for my next stop.  I still can't feel my pinky toe and the big toe are no longer red and angry looking. I ran into Inspector Gadget here and he really isn't doing well. It sounds like he went back to the hospital for more care. He seems very sick. He's going to be here for a week it sounds like and he needs it. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday! You look like you had so much fun! I wonder why Ben threw in the towel? Best of luck to Inspector Gadget, as he sounds like he has some pretty bad medical complications. You have been meeting some really interesting sounding people! Oh! And cheers to another year!

