Saturday, April 8, 2017

Tray Mountain

Last night there were crazy thunderstorms. I feel bad for those out on the trail right now. Ben and I got a late start to the day trying to avoid the potential morning showers. This also gave me the chance to ice my feet one more time.

Right now my toe looks like this

It's suppose to look like this, although this one is swollen too but everything is where it's suppose to be. 

Getting back to the trail, since it's 12 miles away we tried our hand at hitch hiking. It's very common along the trail and the locals are used to the hikers doing it knowing that we are hiking the AT. It didn't even take us 5 minutes to get a ride from out in front of the hotel. An elderly man in a truck stopped by and asked where we were headed, had us put our packs in the back end (which i was a little nervous over, I've heard that people can take off with just your packs since the gear can be pretty pricey), and we got in. He was picking up breakfast for his wife at home so he stopped home to drop off her food before driving us back to Unicoi Gap. He mentioned how his wife complained at some point over him picking up so many hitch hikers and is response was that we are all tree huggers anyways.

Another group was doing trail magic at unicoi gap, a lot more simple this time but everyone does it differently. I grabbed a package of tuna and some cheetoes. I signed the log book and got water, it was a church group running this one and they wanted to send us off with a prayer.

I started the trail at a snails pace, going as slow as i could to not bend or hurt my toenail anymore. I figured that it would be a short day but it ended up being an 11 mile day. Towards the end my big toe stopped hurting and i was walking faster. I stupidly pushed on farther than planned because i needed water and I didn't feel like going a half mile down then another back up just to stop at a stream along the way. So I continued on to Sassafras Gap. I ended up getting a bunch of blisters because I had been walking funny to relieve stress on my feet.

I got a message from Mike that he twisted his ankle and fractured his foot. It's going to take too long to heal so he is going to be flying home.  :c

Tray Mountain was rough it's one of the larger ones I've done so far. I hiked alone for most of the day, i hardly saw anyone. Ben was way up ahead of me, it was slightly spooky at times. When i got into camp, the place was crowded. Ben was there trying to get his bear bags down from a tree like a piƱata. He got one of his ropes stuck, therefore his food stuck. By the time I finished setting up camp he got the thing down. The temperature is dropping fast, it's going to be a cold night. I'm leaving one of my rain fly buckles open to see if it helps with the condensation.

Top of Tray Mountain 

Tonight I'm camped at Sassafead Gap at mile 63 with 2126.8 left to go.

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