Monday, April 17, 2017

Snow Day

 I spent the morning running around getting things done on town, dropped stuff off at the hiker box, mail things home, look into sleeping bag liners to make sure i purchased the one I wanted, and got the straps repaired on my pack. I had threaded one of the clips wrong, I didn't have to buy a new clip for my pack like I thought I needed to. I had the free hiker pancake breakfast again and sent a card to my boyfriend, Ken, this time.

I could see the snow on the mountains from down in Franklin. I got shuttled up to where I left off at Winding Stair Gap with a bunch of other hikers. It's the free hotel shuttle that I was suppose to take coming into town if I hadn't come in the night before. It was a really nice day in the 50's, perfect hiking weather. I was afraid that I wouldn't see any snow at all on the trail because it had warmed up but I found snow on the trail! A light dusting here and there.  

Then as I continued to hike I found more.

And more

And even more snow

Then I made a snow ball.

I really liked this green and white tunnel.

It was very pretty.

My new shoes are working out great! I have my new dirty girl gators on with them to keep the mud out. I'm very happy with these new shoes.

I made it to the top of Siler Bald. It was a slight off shoot from the trail but totally worth it. It was significantly colder and windier up there but the 360 views made it all worth it.

I ended up having to make yellow snow and I guarantee you that it wasn't lemon flavored. The trail got so muddy and slushy and slippery, it was very slow going but this one section just made me think of used toilet paper. White on both sides with this trail of mooshy brown down the middle. It definitely added to the experience. 

Today took me over Wayah Bald as well. It had a stone firetower and well used to have a wooden structure on it. The whole forrest around it is charred black. All the trees are a matte black. It was pretty ironic since it was meant to be in place to prevent fires originally. From the top of Wayah I could see the top of Siler Bald where I was just hours ago.

Throughout the day the trees kept dropping snow, ice, and dripping water. I almost got hit in the face my a big clump of heavy wet snow but I did get pelted with a bunch of ice from the trees.

I hiked with Buzzoki at the end of the day.  I hiked a little bit with them awhile back. They were trying to help me with my hands when they were agonizing last week.  It's actually two people Buzz and Oki but together they are Buzzoki as one name. I had heard that name mentioned a few times before actually meeting them. They were coworkers that have retired and are thruhiking the AT together.

The temperature is dropping fast and the winds are picking up. It's going to be a very cold night tonight.

Tonight I'm camped at Wayah Bald Shelter which is mile 120.5 with 2069.3 left to go.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of all the snow look amazing! I remember hiking with you through mud, and slippery muddy and snowy trails definitely make for slow going. The views are amazing though! Thank you for taking pictures and video!

