Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Today was another long, hot sweaty cruddy day with very steep ups. It was in the high 70s and felt miserable. I woke up feeling all sticky from the sweat and dirt coating my body. While hiking I had a few additional issues pop up.

My pinkie toes started hurting, the toe/ bone/ nail.  I'm not sure exactly why though. It's both feet.

Blisters. I have been getting a bunch of blisters. Most aren't so bad but I stated getting these 2 very deep blisters back when i was walking funny from my big toes hurting. They are on the outside edge of the heels of my feet. They got so big that they were acorn sized and it suddenly got extremely painful and I couldn't walk anymore from it. I had to sit down and drain them. I used antiseptic wipes and a sewing needle to get the job done but they were stubborn. Everytime i poked them a little bead of juice would come out but nothing more. Not even if I sucked it up and saueazed the thing. After lots of poking and stabbing with that needle I ended up just sticking it through the blister so it pops back out then twisting till the skin rips just so I could drain the fluid.  It was just too big to fit in my shoe right. It hurts a little now but it's so much better since it got drained. I put neosporin and bandaids on them.

Sunburn. I burnt up my legs pretty bad today. It stings and everything. I put sunscreen on everywhere but my legs. I kind of figured that all the dirt and sweat would get the job done alone.

I caught up with Buzokie today! They took a side trip from the trail out to visit a friend and had just got dropped back off on the trail right before I got there. They had fruit and I was able to get an orange. Black Bear and Shortcake were there too. I've actually been meeting a ton of people and seeing them here and there for the past few weeks. They came up with a trail name for me which is Mishap. It's very relevant. It feels like everything is going wrong but I'm too stubborn. I'm so stubborn that I'm not going to be leaving this trail unless something serious happens.

Today I saw a lot of different insect life. Many beatles and butterflies, but also ticks, lots of ticks. I've brushed a bunch off of my pack and legs. All of my clothing except my shorts which I just bought were treated with permetherin which keeps bugs and ticks away. I'm assuming and hopinh that I'm tick free but we'll see.

Tonight I'm camped at Cable Gap Shelter which is mile 158.9 with 2030.9 miles left to go.

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