Sunday, April 30, 2017

Up, up, and up

I'm really getting tired of all the sharp spiked plants out here. There are a few different types but they are all over and make potty trips in the woods very not fun. I'm pretty scratched up from them.

I started really early this morning to beat the heat. It never really got that hot today. It was actually quite nice. I think it got up to 65F. I'm still sweating while hiking as long as it's above 55F.

Today had just been chalked full of ups and downs. Mostly ups though. The higher elevation is taking it's toll on me. It's also been a rough day. I've been hiking so much slower. Everyone else seems to have the same struggle with today.

My ancle is really hurting me. Just the outside left foot, my smaller foot. I'm having so many issues with that foot and shoe. My right foot is doing great though, no issues. I think I really just need the half size smaller. I'm surprised on how much of a difference the half size makes.

I saw a litter of  mouse babies today. They were almost miniature adults. There was a tree raised off the ground so there was a nice little hidding spot underneath the tree. I saw them run across from one side to the other as I passed by.

My upper arms are so itchy and burnt right now! It's driving me crazy. It was overcast and cool with a nice wind almost all day today so I didn't put on any sunscreen until late in the day when the sun poked out from the clouds.

I've been running into an entirely new group of people over and over again from when I started. I'm starting to get to know Igloo, Rasin, Palm Trees, and 2 others who I keep forgetting their names even though I know them better than the rest! They are a middle aged woman who is hiking with this elderly man who is pretty well known it sounds like. He's hiked a ton already and through hiked the AT before. The woman told me that he had said that I'm probably going to make it to Katahdin  (the end of the trail), he said he could tell that I'm tough and she said that he doesn't say compliments like that often. Hearing that is very reassuring! I think that I'm too stubborn to stop hiking unless I really injur myself.

Tonight I'm camped at Double Spring Gap Shelter which is mile 196.4 with 1993.3 miles left to go!

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