Thursday, April 27, 2017

Fontana Village

Justin and I decided to go do all our Fontana stuff together. On the way as we got closer we could see the lake and dam which was really exciting to see. We hiked in the 6 miles to the road and tried hitch hiking in. This girl from France came out right behind us while we were walking towards the town and she got a ride right away but the car was full it just passed us. We walked about a mile towards town then found some chairs on the side of the road and tried hitching a ride from there. The shuttle that the resort owns stopped by and asked if we needed a ride. He said he would stop by on his way back into town and give us a ride. He did and he charged us. We thought we were getting a free ride, we were trying to hitch hike and here he just wanted to make buisness off of us. It was $3 but still. We were almost halfway there and he ordered to pick us up.

We hit up the restaurant first. We both really wanted steaks. This sounded like the kind of place that would have steaks but no, they served a steak after 5pm. I ordered a Hawaiian grilled chicken sandwich which was delicious but not enough. I came to the realization that my hiker hunger has kicked in.  Justin had a burger and felt the same way. We both additionally ordered a second lunch of personal sized pizzas! They even had a white pizza on the menu!

Next was laundry. There wasn't really a place to change and the clothing that I was currently wearing were the ones that NEEDED to be washed. Yikes I smelled bad. I went around to the side the the building to try to get some cover. I changed quickly and no one saw me but it was still rather nerve wracking to change back there.

While laundry was going I picked up my drop box of food from the post office. It turned out that Amazon boxes can't be delivered to the post office so I didn't get my sun gloves but I was told the delivery driver probably brought them to the lodge instead. I was able to borrow a phone to call and they did have it along with one of Justin's boxes. We ended up splitting a room for the night. We had 2 other hikers that were thinking of joining us but decided to head back out onto the trail instead.

I picked up some supplise and a pint of ice cream. I didn't think I could eat it all but I sat down and powered through the entire tub and ate all 760 calories of it. Even right after eating the 2 lunches. That hiker hunger is crazy. At home I usually can only eat half a container at a time. The idea of the half gallon challenge that comes at about halfway through the trail seemed unreal, something that I would never be able to do but now it sounds like something that I can and will do.

The rooms even came with stuffed animals! 

Showering felt so amazing. It was a hot day around 80F. I was sticky with all the sweat that has dried on my body from the past few days, not to mention all the dirt that was stuck to me. I decided to do some nail/foot care. I really cleaned around my nails and cleaned up my blisters. It was nice having a clean sanitary place to do all of this. I decided that I could probably trim a bit more off of my big toe nails and on the last cut of the right toe nail, the really bad one, I cut into the nail bed. The nail bed turned out to have actually been a blister this whole time. A massive blister. The juice just kept pouring out. I ended up having to press my nail to get more of it out. So much came out. The nail still wanted to be up in a higher position so everytime I let go it lifted up and filled with air making bubbles and strange noises each following time I would press it out. The nail is so close to where it's suppose to be. It looks so much better now!

This was after most of it was drained. 

I figured that I should probably drain the other one too. I had cut into the right on accident and didn't want to just go jabbing around with my nail clippers so I was going to use my needle but I realized that I accidentally threw mine away! Justin had a extra one that he gave to me. I sanitized it with a lighter then stuck it under my nail. A small drop came out and that was it. The hole, wasn't large enough. I stuck it in again and deeper then poked it back through the skin and twisted the needle so it would tear the skin open. The fluid just gushed out at first. Then I had to press the nail a few times to get the rest out.

I was so grossed out and scared the whole time. I was crying yet at the same time I was happy. My toes were almost back to normal size. One of the mysteries were solved, it was a giant blister under each of the nails. And now since the giant blisters are empty they are like giant sacks under the nails so the nails move around alot. Yuck!

I really wanted my steak now. I deserved that thing. Justin and I went back for dinner and I got my steak. They even substituted my fries that it came with for macaroni and cheese! I got the s'mores lava cake for dessert. It was so amazing! They even put a candle in it for me! It was a graham cracker cake with chocolate lava and scorched marshmallows on top with chocolate sauce. It was amazing!

Eating dinner with Justin

Fontana Village is at mile 164.4 with 2025.4 left to go.

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