Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Easy Cruising, May 9th

It was raining pretty hard when we all woke up. Thoughts of taking a zero and watching movies all day were very tempting. We (Barefoot, Sushi, and I) were able to arrange slackpacking up to the Black Bear Resort, a 12 mile hike up the trail. Barefoot put all his gear in a trash bag and carried both of our gear for the day. Yet another day where I'm hiking without a pack on!

The trail was really nice today. Nothing too extreme, it never rained, and it was a rather overall nice day. It was pretty humid. I considered just hiking in my sports bra because the humidity did make it pretty hot.

Sushi had reserved a cabin at the Black Bear Resort and offered to let us stay with her. She was able to call and have us check in for her since we hike so much faster. Sushi is an older woman so she hikes a more sensible pace for her age.

Tonight at the Black Bear Resort I'm at mile 418.4 with 1771.4 left to go.

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