Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tornadoes, May 12th

It was a rainy morning. Barefoot and I had planned on getting an early morning start on the day but it was pretty miserable outside and I just slept in. There was a pretty heavy fog out all morning.

There were a bunch of farm fields that we had to cut through as part of the trail. Stuff like that is actually quite exciting compared to being in a green tunnel all day.

The day cleared up and was sunny then took a fast turn for the worst. I got a tornado in the area alert on my phone saying to seek shelter immediately. We could just see the storm coming in from the left. The thunder was crazy loud and came from both sides, not from above. I've never felt thunder so intense before! I even yelled out startled a few times. I ended up running down sections of the trail just to get farther faster.

 We got to a road and there was a guy parked there. I had a hard time understanding him, we were hoping to get a ride into Damascus. Right as we were getting in the car it just started to downpour. We got drenched. The guy had been having trouble with his car but had just fixed it. Barefoot sat up front, I couldn't hear anything they were saying. The backseat didn't have any seats. The guy was homeless and just living out of his car. I was sitting on a plank on top of a flat of water surrounded by junk. It was a tight squeeze and an interesting experience but I was just so thankful to be out of the rain.

Almost everything in Damascus was full but we were able to find a B&B called Dragonfly Inn that had a room availible. The room was soooo nice. I loved the place so much. It was right in the center of town and the people were just so nice!

My left toenail was ready. After taking a shower I slowly worked it off. It wasn't a big deal like it was in Erwin. It was pretty gross but a lot easier of a process.

I wiped off the dead skin

Some of barefoots friends and Theory, I met him back at the NOC a long time ago,  were in town and he pulled them along to stay in the B&B with us since there were still rooms availible. I think he might have paid for them all too.

We all went out for dinner at Bobo McFarland's across the street. It was a great night! They had karaoke going on and Barefoot and Fury killed it. They are amazing!

Today where I left off on the trail I'm at mile 454 with 1735.8 left to go.

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