Sunday, August 13, 2017

Waterfalls, May 8th

Mountain Harbour was actually a very wonderful hostel. I was hesitant at first  because I was told it would be extremely cold tonight and the hostel bunks were located in a run down looking barn. The inside was actually very nice! We got full sets of sheets and it was very clean and homey. It never felt like I was in a barn.

Barefoot and I had been told that the breakfast here was amazing. The original plan was to eat here for breakfast before being shuttled up to the mountain yesterday but the other hostel had a free breakfast included. This time around I paid for the $12 all you can eat breakfast. It was located in the bed and breakfast house and it looked like something that Martha Stewart would throw together. The food was like a thanks giving dinner display in a magazine but for breakfast instead. It was just a stunning display. I want to kick myself for not getting this breakfast yesterday morning.

A woman named Sushi had arranged a day of slackpacking to the next hostel up the trail, 13 miles up. I was hoping to do the same but there was no information about it in the guide book besides the gap saying hostel. I couldn't find the name of the place or phone number so I'm glad she had the guy coming up to get her. She had service and was able to contact him to add us to the party. Sushi had her own pack so we shared the pack that he brought for her. Barefoot carried both of our stuff in the pack for the day, I didn't have to carry anything.

This section of trail had a few waterfalls. The first one was just so stunning. It was massive,  waaaay larger than any other one that I've seen out here so far.

We passed mile marker 400!

2 different markers. 

We hiked on and off with Giggles. 

The hostel was the Van-go Abby Memorial Hostel I believe. The turn off was ill marked and the trail want maintained. It looks like no one's been maintaining the trail for some time, let alone hiking down there. The trail head had a pink ribbon attatched to one of the trees labeling the trail and some extra info about the place. It would have been so easy to just have missed the trail.

The three of us were the only ones who stayed the night. The place looked like it had once been the place to stay on the trail but that was a long time ago, it looks like it's past it's peak. It was rather sad, more like a piece of history than anything else. The bunk room was up on a high hill. It was really ill maintained. Sushi had reserved a space and was told that she would get the private room upstairs. We ended up all staying upstairs in the private room because it was so much nicer and cleaner. There was a fold out bed that I stayed on, Sushi got her bed, and Barefoot just used his mattress on the floor. We all sat in Sushi's bed to watch some old movie from the VHS collection. By the end of the night it really felt like we were becoming our own little tramily (trail family).

Tonight at the Van-go hostel I'm at mile 406.4 with 1783.4 left to go.

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