Sunday, August 20, 2017

Water City, May 15th

The breakfast at Woodchuck hostel was pretty great. I loved the homemade blueberry waffles with sliced bananas, syrup, and hardboiled eggs. They had a small amount of almond milk left and the owner even ran over to the store to buy a new carton of it because I'm lactose intolerant!

I woke up with bad jaw problems. I was having trouble opening my mouth. It was specifically coming from the right side at the joint. It was quite painful to chew. I'm not really sure what's going on but I think that I must have slept on it weird. It's been giving me trouble for the past few days but very mildly.

Today's stretch of trail had so many water sources everywhere! It was really pretty. I ended up slack packing with Viking. We arranged a pick up 17 miles down the trail to take us back to the hostel. On the way out an owner of another hostel was badmouthing Woodchuck. The guy just seemed really angry. Woodchuck has actually been a really fantastic place.

On my way out of town I saw the cute lil cinnamon roll cat that I want so much! I'll have to come back tonight to visit.

The trail followed the Virginia Creeper Trail for a bit then broke off for a number of miles then reunited with the VCT again then left a ways down. The stretch where it broke away makes me so angry. It was a really tough stretch that has a lot of steep inclines. It was mostly green tunnels, hiking through those are like driving at night after you've been on a road trip driving all day and you're super tired. It makes you really sleepy. Then there's also the fact that there were no views and the terrain was hard on my feet. I saw a number of hikers just skip it and continue on the VCT. It's really frustrating. I wish the AT just followed the VCT.

It was really great getting to see all these places on the trail that I visited on that trip with Ken here last October. I kept telling myself that next year I'll be here hiking this trail and here I am! Hiking the trail. I made it this far.

The laurels are starting to flower! Is nice to see a color that isn't green for once!

When we got to the road where we were to be picked up a family was just packing up their trail magic set up. We both got bananas and Gatorade. Perfect way to end our hike.

Once getting back we went to Bobo's for dinner. I was really looking forward to Hey Joe's but they are closed on Mondays. I don't think that I've ever eaten a calzone before so I ordered one. It was basically a pizza folded in half then baked. Mine was way to cheesey. I said no tomato sauce and they offered white sauce instead but it was just way too much cheese. It ended up going straight through me an hour later.

I got to see that precious little cinnamon roll again. He is just stunning. He's underweight, not neutered, male, horrible mats, he has a super soft medium length coat that's thin so there's not too much fur for shedding. He tally just needs a healthy diet and an occasional brush and I'm sure he'd never get matted fur again, it's really sad to see it that bad. The whiskers on one side of his face is covered in white paint. He's such a lap cat and purrs so much! I can touch his paws and belly. His teeth look great and he's young. Not to mention, I want him. I'd really love to take him home.

Tonight I'm in Damascus, I got to mile 486.1 while hiking today with 1703.7 miles left to go.

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