Wednesday, September 27, 2017

1/3rd, June 5th

We woke this morning to rain. It rained almost all day, never a hard rain but it was constant. It was hard to get a hitch from the hotel and the rain probably didn't help but we eventually got a ride part way there. It was a tight fit but we were so thankful to not have to walk, it saved us a good few miles probably.

Sun and I went to the post office, I had a number of things to send home. I sent in my darn tough socks hoping to get them replaced. They have gone thread bare on the bottom. I did get a new pair at the outfitter the other day. I'm only carrying the one pair of socks, so only the ones I'm wearing, and 2 pairs of sock liners.

I sent my old poles back to REI. They'll take a look at them and hopefully send a refund for the new ones plus the shipping. I'm really excited to have the new poles! They feel great.

I sent a box of food forward to the next town,  Glasgow. It's really too much to carry that amount of food that I had sent to get me to Waynesboro which is over a week. I'm going to have to split up future foods drops that I have. It's just too heavy.

I sent a box home filled with a bunch of things. I dropped 2.5 lbs of weight off my pack, it feels great! Mostly clothing and a few small things.

We did 18 miles. The terrain was really manageable. It did stop raining towards the end of the hike so my clothing was able to start to dry. We are officially at the one third mark on the trail! Just have two thirds left to go. The trail runs along the Blue Ridge Parkway for the next 100 miles. I'd really like to drive it someday, it's so pretty. We all packed out subway sandwiches that we bought yesterday. I also brought along a green smoothie drink, a banana, a cookie, and cheetoes, it really felt like a day of luxury.

The shelter area was at max capacity. We were all able to get shelter space thankfully. My tent was still wet on the inside from the condensation back at 4 pines. I meant to hang it up at the hotel but I completely forgot.

My toenails are growing back. They are growing back really fast and are not pretty. I used to have really nice big toenails but these are not. I hope it isn't permanent. They are hurting from all the swelling from my feet being wet all day.

I hurt the back of my right leg somehow. I'm not sure what happened but there's pain there now.

The rash on my back keeps coming and going for the past few days. It's coming down from a bad flare. I'm sure it's chafing from my pack which isn't fun.

Tonight at Bobblets Gap Shelter I'm camped at mile 746.6 with 1443.2 leftto go.

Troutdale, June 4th

Troutville and Daleville are kind of like the same town, they kinda blur together so I've been calling it the town of Troutdale.

We started the morning off with breakfast at the hotel, I got a new room and moved my stuff and everyone else packed up. Then we ate second breakfast at the Cracker Barrel next door. I was able to find the geocache in the parking lot while waiting for our table to be called. There's a geocache in the parking lot of every cracker barrel I've noticed. We ran into a family trying to get the cache as well! I've never run into another group looking for geocaches before! That was pretty cool. We put our name down as Hiker Trash. It was hilarious.When hanging out outside I considered the idea of peeing in the woods because there was a line for the woman's restroom and I really had to go. I was told that I really was hiker trash for considering doing that so I ended up waiting.

After breakfast Dungeon Master's dad arrived. He's joining Dungeon Master for a few days. Scout and Sun were going to hike on but decided to zero today with me instead. It's just been a really relaxed day, a really hot day too.I'm glad that I'm not out there hiking.

We went to Shoney's for lunner. I got the buffet and it was a bit of a disaster. It was just too hot in there. The jello melted into my fish into this gross mess. We just laughed at it and everything, it was just too hot, I don't think their AC was ready for the heat.

We relaxed all day and found our way back to Cracker Barrel for dinner where I finally got the chocolate smores dessert.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Troutville Trail Days, June 3rd

Leaving was hard in the morning. I feel like I'm being worn out so much. It was a short hike in to town but it was so hard to do. I chugged a lot of water before leaving because there wasn't any water until town. There was an amazing scene where I got to see a deer walk through the forrest. It reminded me of a scene from Princess Mononoke.

I felt really dizzy from all the water. I didn't have enough electrolytes. I eventually ran into Dungeon Master and we hiked in together.

My first stop in town was to Bojangles, I was so hungry. I was given a giant cup for my sweet tea but I smashed it while trying to put the lid on spilling tea all over myself, the counter, and the floor. It was so embarrassing. I did get a new cup though!

I went over to Outdoor Trails to pick up my packages and then to Kroger and met up with Dungeon Master at the coffee shop. I ran into Catfish and Dirty Duck briefly. They fell behind but shuttled ahead for the hiker festival happening in town yesterday and today. The town is kinda spread out so our hotel was 2 and a half miles away from the fire station where it's being held. I ended up missing the festival. It was just ending as I got to the hotel. I tried hitching a ride but no one would pick me up. There were actual gear vendors there. Hoka was there, I was wanting to look into their shoes as my next pair. My current ones are wearing out. It's been over 500 miles on them. I also wanted to see if a jewlery vendor could fix my necklace since it broke this morning. It's the AT one that I got at the Damascus Trail Days. I want to kick myself for not going. I'm sure I missed out on a bunch of give aways. I had purchased new socks and ExOfficio underwear at the outfitter in town but I found out later that ExOfficio had their own booth there! Oh well I guess.

Sun, Scout, Dungeon Master, and I are splitting a room at the Red Roof Inn. We watched a few movies and ordered Chinese take out. It was still a good night.

I decided to take tomorrow as a zero because of how worn out I am. My body needs it.

I got a painful yeast infection from going a week without new underwear or clean clothing. My clothes just got so nasty. That hasn't been fun. I'm glad to be zeroing and to have clean clothes and a shower. I look forward to hiking with 2 pairs of underwear now too.

Tonight in Troutville I'm at mile 728.1 with 1461.7 left to go.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

McAfee Knob, June 2nd

It was an early morning. Everyone camped around me decided to get up at 5am and made a lot of noise. I couldn't fall back asleep. Then the chickens kept crowing which wasn't much of a problem but I was fully awake. There was so much condensation in my tent this morning. Everything was just wet. I'm told that it's because I was camped in the grass. I ended up eating my snickerdoodle cashew milk ice cream as part of my breakfast and it was delicious. I added some to Sun's coffee and she really enjoyed it. I saw Dungeon Master at the hostel in the morning,  he was able to make it in late last night.

Sun and I hiked together today. I felt very beat from the past few days but I pushed on. I really wish I could have zeroed today. It was actually a wonderful day, blue skies, warm, a breeze, the trail was alright. I got to help another hiker out today. She was sick and I was able to help out with vitamin C powder and cough drops. Then the highlight of the day... McAfee knob! The most iconic image of the Appalachian Trail. Scout, sun, and I took a bunch of photos and had a great time relaxing up there.

Sun making me walk the knob

Making Sun walk the knob

It was super bright

View from the knob

We passed another knob nearby that looked awesome. 




We passed some interesting rock formations on the way down.

The climbs up to Tinkered Rocks were miserable. The incline was rough, particularly towards the end of the day. Tinkered Rocks was so beautiful!

I made a friend. Not sure what it was but we hung out for awhile together. 

We met up with Scout and decided to eat dinner while watching the sunset since the shelter was only a mile downhill. A number of other hikers joined us in watching the sunset,  Mcgiver, Stitch, Anonymous, and a few others. It was just so stunning.

A fly found it's way into my water bottle. It was so gross, it was one of the bigger flies and it was squirming around. I don't know how long it had been in there for but I was so limited on water I couldn't afford to dump the whole thing. I was however able to get the thing out.

I went out "gardening" in the woods and dug up some old toilet paper. I found myself a different place to add fertilizer to the ground after that.

I didn't take any lactaid with my pasta Primavera and ended up farting all night long.

Once the sun set everyone bolted for the shelter. Sun and I were in the back. She promised to stay with me since I didn't want to night hike again. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as the other night. It was an easy hike in. I did however slip on some lose gravel on a steep section and fall on my knee. Sun didn't take it seriously and ended up slipping on the same exact spot.

Everyone who was up on Tinkered Rocks with us were the only ones here at the shelter and there was room for everyone. Eventually Spring Break showed up and we made room for him. Later on Dungeon Master showed up, I was wondering if he'd make it or not today.

I also had a moth fly down my shirt and into my sports bra right as I was getting ready for bed. That was weird.

Tonight at Lamberts Meadow Shelter I'm at mile 718.7 with 1471.1 left to go!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Dragons Tooth, June 1st

I woke up super sore, it was hard to get going and it ended up being a pretty late morning. Morning Glory, Sweet Tea, Fresh, and a few other hikers I've met before were here at the shelter, that was pretty exciting. I found out that I didn't really disturb anyone last night. I was so worried about that. I'm surprised that my ancles aren't destroyed despite rolling them so much. They feel just fine. I think my ancle are really strong.

A butterfly landed on my nasty sock 

Today was rough, so many ups and downs that were just so hard to do. My plan was to make it to 4 pines tonight to meet up with Sun and Scout and go to the all you can eat restaurant that they shuttle you to. The last 7 miles didn't have water. I should have filled up but I didn't. I got to the last shelter and it was a half mile to the shelter and another .2 down to the water. I was already pressed for time and it was all downhill that I didn't want to add another mile plus to my day. I firgured I'd find some unmarked water source along the way and left with my half liter. That was a big mistake.

I got really desperate for water. The hike was way hard. So much bouldering and rocks, it was quite time consuming and tiring. I was considering peeing into my filter bag and filtering my pee to drink I was so desperate. I ran into McGiver and he gave me some of his water. I was so concerned about dehydration. I was so thankful for him to help me out.

Next came Dragons Tooth. I've been looking forward to Dragons Tooth for awhile. I know that it's climbable. I met a girl named Yall. She took a picture for me and gave me some water.  It was quite a climb to get where I was but I never made it to the top. I was so shakey from all the hiking and so dehydeated that I just didn't feel like it was a good idea. It was a risky climb to the end. I'd like to come back some day and climb it, just not today.

Me near the top

The climb down was insane! It was rediculous! It was so sliwgoing rocky and challenging, the hardest section yet. I had to take my pack off to get down some of the sections. I'm glad Yall was with me, this was better not to do alone. I'm glad I did this section in the day light when it was dry.

Of coarse there was a sign warning about the terrain only on the other side.

We passed the 700 mile mark, there wasn't any maker that showed it like the others though. We eventually made it to 4 pines. The hostel is a 3 car garage turned into a hiker hang out. It was a pretty interesting place that's for sure.  I couldn't believe the number of hikers here. I was told that there has been about 60 hikers here every night for the past few days. I have caught up to the bubble, the bubble in front.

We were too late for the restaurant, they were closed. We were however able to be shuttled over to the kroger and strip mall. Yall didn't want to go but Sun and Scout joined me. I bought so much food for dinner and tomorrow. Shopping on an empty stomach is never a good idea. I got a shower and hung out for awhile. The shower was amazing! I went to bed late, the bullfrogs were so loud!

Tonight at 4 pines I'm at mile 702.4 with 1487.4 left to go.

Night Hiking Disasters, May 31st

Today was a really really tough day. I hiked most of it with Dungeon Master. He convinced me to try to make it 23 miles today. We were going to night hike in to the Niday Shelter. The inclines were rough but nothing we couldn't handle. I inhaled a fly and coughed up a storm. I never got the thing out. We passed some cool horse and cow fields in the afternoon.

A guy named Longhorn stopped us and offered some drinks. He was doing some minor trail magic for the hikers. I got some water and he took our trash off our hands. He hiked the AT in 1993.

We got to see the Keffer Oak tree. It's the largest oak tree on the AT in the South at 18' around and 300 years old.

Dungeon Master at Keffer Oak

Me at Keffer Oak

We had one of the toughest uphill climbs yet. It was so steep up to this new range. We made it to the turn off for the Sarver Hollow Shelter which is a steep half mile climb down. It was around 8pm. I made dinner and was going to do a half hour break before headed back out on the trail to do the last 6 miles. Then it started drizzling. We heard a rumor that there were some rough slanted rocks ahead. Most people exaggerate how bad the terrain is so I was just going to continue on anyways. The storm cloud didn't look so bad and it was clear skies on the other side so I was going to push on knowing that the rain won't be so bad and that it'll pass. Dungeon Master has somewhat slick shoes and completed dropped out at the first drizzle wanting to hike down to the shelter. I was so mentally ready to take on my first night hiking adventure that we parted ways. I packed up everything and my dinner then headed off.

The sunset was really beautiful through the trees. I got a good solid hour of hiking in before it was dark dark. The rain let up a bit. My shoes were just soaked though. The slanted rocks were no joke. I had seenc some earlier and they were nothing, I laughed at the idea that they were hard but when I came across the 2 view points I was in for a surprise. The rain was at a drizzle and the rocks were wet, they were so steep and just let right off the edge of the cliff. It would be so easy to fall to my death. They were slight clearings and the moonlight lit up the valley below. It was just so beautiful being up here at night but the terrain was a killer. I slipped a few times and fell once. The rocks just went on for miles. It was just so slow going, it took forever to get through. It got spooky after awhile. Dungeon Master and I had passed an area with a bunch of piled up rocks that just looked so ominous. I couldn't help but be on edge as if I was in a horror film. I was surprised to have service up here. I called my mom and put her in speaker phone to keep me company. I had been talking to myself to make noise to keep animals away and to try to calm myself. It was nice talking to her but it didn't last long, the call dropped and I ran out of service range.

I walked on for hours. I eventually saw some reflective lights off on the side of the trail. A tent, I was so hungry, thirsty, and tired that even if this wasn't the shelter I wanted to set up camp. Most tents have reflective points to help find them in the dark. I didn't see a side trail over so I thought it must have been a stealth camp. I walk closer asking who is there wanting to find out if there was room. It turns out that the lights were not a tent... it was a bear whose eyes were reflecting back from my weak headlamp. I yelled out making noise slowly backing up to the trail then down the trail, looking back every few steps until it was gone. He never moved, just turned his head watching me as I walked away. I was so scared and jumpy after that, almost on the verge of crying, I just wanted to be in camp. I made a lot of noise after that hoping to let animals know that I was coming. I eventually saw another set of eyes, I yelled out knowing that they were eyes this time. I never got close enough to see for sure but I'm pretty sure that it was a deer.

I stumbled over roots and rocks all night. I stubbed my right toe hard on a large rock and actually moved it in the process, it hurt so much. I rolled and twisted my left ancle a number of times too. I was struggling to continue on.

I eventually got to the shelter at 11:15pm. I was afraid to go down the path because it wasn't marked, all I saw was a bunch of reflective lights down the hill. I slowly worked my way down hoping to not be walking into a family of bears but it was the shelter and I just started crying. I was so happy to have finally made it. I was really worried about disturbing everyone but there was a spot open inside the shelter. I was trying to stay as quiet as I could. I ate my cold, waterlogged chicken teriyaki with rice mountain house meal. It was so gross, I feel like chicken teriyaki has been ruined for me forever now. I just kept shoveling it down my throat anyways I was just so hungry. I really should have stretched but I just went right to sleep. I didn't hang a bear bag for my food because I was just so tired. I had a hard time falling asleep. No matter what position I layed in something hurt. I rolled around a bunch, timing it in with when the other person next to me would roll over.

Tonight at Niday shelter I'm at mile 685.6 with 1504.2 left to go.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Black Bears, May 30th

Today has been filled with many mishaps....

I found out that the shelter behind me and the campsite ahead of me had amazing sunset views, I got nothing.

I walked through a bunch of foliage to go... "gardening in the woods" only to find out I probably walked through one of the poison plants. My legs itched like crazy. I wiped myself down with wet wipes hoping it'll take the oils with it. My legs eventually felt better.

I took a bad fall today too. I tripped and landed hard on my lower arm on top of a branch so all the impact happened in one spot. Luckily my arm is okay. It hurts pretty bad, it's scratched, and there'll probably be a huge bruise there later. My poles on the other hand were not so lucky. One of them broke in 2 places. I was able to shove the broken section farther into the adjustable height sections making for a much shorter pole but still usable for now. I sat down on a rock for an hour with REI on the phone. They were carbon fiber REI poles. They are sending me new ones to the next town, Daleville, VA.

On my way into the first shelter of the day on the switchback before the last that led to the shelter I saw a black bear! My first time seeing a wild black bear. It was a young bear, maybe a year old and it ran off into the woods when it saw me coming!

I stopped in at Bailey Gap Shelter and found this...

This is a cruel joke

I ended the day at Wind Rock. I ate dinner while watching the sun set. It was a perfect way to end the night.

Tonight at Wind Rock I am camped at mile 662.5 with 1527.3 left to go.